Austria : A new land for the Normande

Austria is interested by the Normande for few years.
Austria obtains Normande from all Evolution services : sexed and conventional semen, embryos and recently heifers ready to inseminate. Normande breed is interesting for them by her dual purpose while having a superior quality of milk (fat & protein rates, and caseins) with a docile temperament. She is coming to compete the Fleckvieh on her native lands.

In 2021, after a german webinar to present Normande breed, Austrian farmers have contacted Evolution International and expressed the wish to buy Normande heifers pure breed. A collaboration have made between Evolution International, Innoval Normande technicians, Synergie Normande (Ouest Genis') and French farmers to find a first group of 144 heifers with Austrian sanitary certificate. After their arrival at the end of September 2021 and in the view of heifers quality, a second export have been realised in the beginning of January 2022. Others exports are already scheduled. Normande heifers are mainly sold in organic farms in hard conditions, in mountains area (700m) with low temperatures (-24°C in January 2022). Austrian farmers are delighted about the fertility of the heifers, who had a high success rate at 1st AI in Evolution sexed semen at 80% (bulls used : PROCELIAND, ROQUEFORT, PAPEL, ROYAUME, PAIMPONT…), but also about the docility and adaptability to a new environment.