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Name Special assets Segments ISU Rel. INEL Prot Fat Milk TYPE UD BC FL HEALTH UH REPRO CE KCAS BCAS
BURNINGHOT 175 72 64 2.7 9.6 589 0.4 0.5 -1.2 0.0 0.9 0.4 1.3 0.0 BB A1A2
SAT PP RDC Polled homozygous Red schm;red BB A1A2
POMPEI 176 93 60 2.4 6.3 678 0.6 0.0 1.5 0.2 0.7 0.9 1.8 -0.1 AB A2A2
PRIBAY P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous f;ro;scht 172 82 40 0.6 1.7 836 1.0 0.7 1.6 -0.1 1.1 0.8 2.2 0.9 AB A1A2
PYSTIQUE Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 175 85 41 2.0 2.9 475 2.4 1.8 0.3 1.0 0.9 1.5 0.9 -0.4 AA A2A2
PACOLINE Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 179 95 47 0.0 -0.2 1261 1.8 1.3 0.1 1.0 1.2 0.8 2.2 0.6 AA A1A2
PINKFLOYD Ferti+ f 190 87 43 3.7 3.5 176 2.2 1.3 -0.7 1.6 1.5 3.1 1.7 0.6 AB A1A2
BEACHBOY 191 89 68 0.6 0.7 1601 1.0 0.6 0.0 0.3 1.1 0.4 2.0 0.5 AB A1A2
MERRYVILLE 152 89 41 1.0 2.9 666 0.8 1.1 -1.1 0.1 0.4 0.8 0.5 AB A1A1
PROST 181 91 22 2.4 4.7 -171 2.7 2.3 -0.6 1.4 1.3 2.4 1.6 -0.4 BB A1A1
PROXY RED Ferti+ Robot Red f;ro;red 169 88 27 2.7 4.1 -70 1.9 1.6 -0.6 1.1 1.1 1.6 1.9 0.2 AB A1A1
BASLAN 169 75 55 0.3 -0.4 1417 0.4 -0.1 -0.9 0.7 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.9 BE A1A2
PUMP 187 84 96 2.9 5.3 1538 0.0 1.0 0.3 -1.1 0.8 1.4 0.1 -0.4 AB A2A2
REGLYS Ferti+ f 170 91 35 2.5 1.4 309 1.4 2.0 0.7 0.1 1.5 3.5 1.1 -0.5 BB A1A2
RING 186 76 73 2.0 8.4 1047 0.8 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.6 1.1 0.9 -0.3 AB A1A1
LAOLA 190 89 63 4.2 11.6 80 0.4 0.3 -0.4 0.2 1.4 2.0 2.0 0.5 BB A2A2
REMEMBER Ferti+ f 173 81 19 -0.1 -1.0 562 4.0 3.0 2.4 1.7 1.0 1.5 1.4 0.0 BB A1A2
RIJKAARD 180 89 30 3.5 5.0 -210 1.8 1.8 -1.1 0.5 1.5 2.4 2.3 -0.3 AB A1A2
TIMEZONE 176 86 47 -0.1 3.8 1052 1.1 1.2 -1.0 0.4 1.2 1.5 1.5 -0.3 AE A1A2
HOTBOB 164 75 46 2.1 3.3 560 1.5 1.4 -0.5 0.5 1.0 0.6 1.2 0.5 AB A2A2
SIDO RED P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 163 76 39 3.7 -0.4 241 1.8 1.7 -0.5 0.3 1.0 0.9 1.2 0.4 BB A1A2
INVICTUS 161 88 54 1.6 2.6 905 0.6 0.6 -1.1 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 AB A1A2
RAFTER Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 175 84 42 0.5 1.6 996 2.4 2.0 0.4 0.9 0.9 2.1 0.5 0.8 AB A1A2
RENAULT PP Ferti+ Polled heterozygous f;scht 154 77 31 1.7 0.8 425 1.3 0.8 -0.5 0.5 0.5 -0.1 1.4 0.4 BB A2A2
ASTROBOY 171 75 72 2.9 6.1 975 0.2 0.8 -1.1 -0.4 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.9 AA A2A2
RAMSES RF Ferti+ Red Paratuberculosis Resistance f;red;rptb 194 89 25 2.3 3.9 -54 3.8 2.7 0.3 2.0 1.7 2.9 2.5 0.2 AB A1A1
RUDY 190 78 61 2.7 8.5 659 0.7 1.5 0.2 -0.3 1.1 1.6 1.9 -0.1 BB A2A2
SILBER PP Polled homozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance schm;rptb 173 84 46 3.0 2.7 410 0.0 0.4 -0.1 -0.2 1.4 1.6 2.0 0.1 AB A2A2
GORETZKA 186 89 29 1.3 3.1 316 3.0 2.4 -0.1 0.8 1.3 1.8 2.5 0.1 AB A2A2
ESPECIAL 172 74 49 0.1 2.9 989 0.4 0.8 -0.8 -0.5 1.0 1.1 1.9 0.8 AB A2A2
MELBOURNE 190 72 70 0.4 -0.2 1654 1.1 1.5 -1.8 -0.1 0.9 0.8 1.9 0.6 AB A1A2
RAMAVINGA Ferti+ Robot f;ro 197 74 75 0.7 -2.9 1968 1.7 0.6 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.6 1.4 -0.2 AB A1A2
READYCASH Ferti+ Robot f;ro 168 78 58 2.5 0.9 885 1.1 0.9 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.5 1.2 0.2 BB A1A2
ROSSO RED Ferti+ Red Paratuberculosis Resistance f;red;rptb 174 78 40 0.6 -2.3 991 1.6 1.1 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.9 1.7 0.1 AB A2A2
RIZZO P Robot Polled heterozygous ro;scht 174 85 33 0.3 0.3 818 2.2 2.1 0.7 0.4 1.2 1.8 1.2 0.3 AB A1A1
CLOONEY 185 86 74 2.1 3.1 1253 -0.1 0.0 -1.0 -0.1 0.8 0.3 2.4 0.4 BB A2A2
CRESPO RDC Red red 180 88 64 -1.1 1.7 1804 1.2 1.2 -1.2 0.5 0.6 1.3 0.7 -0.8 AA A2A2
RHUMRAISIN Robot ro 178 80 71 2.3 1.7 1236 1.4 1.3 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.1 0.9 0.2 BB A2A2
FREEWOOD P Polled heterozygous scht 180 85 68 2.1 5.8 1015 0.3 0.9 -0.9 0.0 0.9 -0.2 1.5 -0.6 BE A1A2
INNOCENT 169 71 67 2.3 6.3 1011 1.5 1.2 0.5 0.9 0.1 0.3 -0.2 -0.8 AB A2A2
FLAMERO 173 74 64 1.6 4.3 1089 1.1 0.9 -0.6 0.3 0.6 -0.2 1.0 0.1 AA A1A2
SANCOS PP Polled homozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance schm;rptb 169 74 41 2.3 2.1 491 0.7 0.9 -1.1 -0.3 1.2 1.6 1.6 0.4 AB A2A2
RAINOW 201 75 79 2.1 10.8 957 0.2 0.6 -0.5 0.1 0.9 -0.1 2.6 -0.1 BB A2A2
ROCKLAND Ferti+ Paratuberculosis Resistance f;rptb 180 85 39 1.6 -2.7 818 3.0 2.5 1.6 1.0 1.3 2.1 1.7 0.0 AB A1A2
ROGLIC Ferti+ Robot f;ro 182 82 58 3.2 3.4 681 1.7 1.5 0.0 0.7 1.1 1.3 1.2 0.1 BB A2A2
CROWD 157 74 78 1.9 5.2 1331 -0.2 -0.3 -0.7 0.2 0.3 -0.1 -0.1 -0.9 AA A2A2
RITZ P RF Ferti+ Polled heterozygous Red f;scht;red 162 74 38 0.4 1.5 819 1.8 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.5 -0.1 AB A2A2
ROMAZY Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 189 76 53 3.0 4.5 489 2.7 1.6 1.3 1.6 1.2 3.2 0.5 0.3 AB A2A2
RODMAN Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 186 75 62 2.1 2.5 1091 1.2 1.2 -0.1 0.8 1.1 1.7 1.5 -0.5 AB A2A2
ROCKCHIP Ferti+ Robot f;ro 176 79 33 -0.9 -0.9 1125 3.5 2.8 1.6 1.3 0.7 0.6 2.2 -0.3 AA A2A2
RUIZ P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;scht;rptb 178 79 48 0.8 2.1 989 1.6 1.8 -0.2 0.2 0.9 1.2 1.6 -0.4 BB A1A2
REFLEX P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous f;ro;scht 178 79 36 1.0 2.0 535 2.5 1.5 -0.8 1.3 1.1 0.7 1.5 0.4 AB A1A2
CODEX 184 75 60 0.5 2.4 1291 1.4 1.5 -0.2 0.4 1.0 0.7 1.7 0.5 AB A1A2
RIKENT Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 183 78 39 1.4 2.3 625 1.8 1.4 0.7 1.2 1.3 1.6 2.0 0.6 BB A1A2
FRODO 180 74 54 1.6 2.9 866 1.4 1.4 0.9 -0.1 0.7 -0.3 2.6 0.2 AB A1A2
ACTOR RED Red red 110 75 -17 -0.1 1.2 -466 1.9 1.9 0.5 0.3 0.2 -0.4 0.7 0.2 AB A1A1
COPYMASTER 169 75 59 1.0 0.6 1346 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.9 0.3 AB A1A2
DAVIDO 168 83 68 0.4 1.9 1499 1.7 2.0 0.3 -0.1 0.0 -0.6 0.1 0.2 AB A2A2
ROVER PK 203 77 74 1.5 9.9 1022 1.3 1.7 0.3 0.1 0.9 -0.5 2.1 0.8 AB A2A2
COLOBUS 170 75 64 0.9 2.7 1358 0.9 1.9 0.8 -1.0 0.5 0.0 1.1 1.0 BB A1A2
RENNAIS Ferti+ Robot f;ro 195 78 45 2.6 5.1 365 2.4 2.6 0.7 0.6 1.0 2.2 1.8 -0.5 BB A2A2
CATEYE 187 73 95 -0.1 -0.1 2503 1.6 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.3 -1.3 0.9 0.9 AA A1A2
REPLAY 174 74 44 -1.0 3.5 1118 1.1 0.8 -1.5 0.4 0.5 -0.1 2.0 1.0 AA A1A2
RANGERS 184 78 45 0.7 3.2 828 1.0 1.3 -1.5 0.4 1.4 2.6 2.1 -0.4 AB A2A2
ROGUE Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 72 54 1.8 6.2 550 0.1 0.4 -0.8 0.0 0.8 0.4 1.0 BB A2A2
HILTON 185 71 50 2.9 5.7 434 0.7 1.4 -1.3 -0.1 1.4 2.5 2.1 0.0 AB A2A2
RICHIE Robot ro 188 78 50 1.7 4.6 733 1.9 1.2 -0.6 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.8 0.1 BB A2A2
SONO P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 168 75 32 2.4 -2.2 405 1.3 0.9 -1.1 0.4 1.1 0.9 1.9 0.0 AB A1A3
RAVANELLI Robot ro 187 79 46 0.0 -1.7 1317 3.1 2.4 0.5 1.4 1.1 2.0 1.2 -0.4 AB A2A2
RADIENT 165 78 41 2.4 -0.1 569 0.0 0.4 -0.6 -0.1 1.2 1.2 2.1 0.4 BB A1A2
RIDERCUP 190 70 68 2.2 6.8 960 1.5 1.3 -0.6 0.6 1.0 0.6 1.7 0.5 AB A1A2
FORESTER 185 74 73 1.1 2.6 1510 1.7 0.7 0.6 1.1 0.6 -0.3 1.2 -0.6 AB A2A2
ROSARIO Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 214 77 73 4.8 5.3 647 2.2 1.9 -0.7 1.3 1.5 1.4 2.3 0.8 BB A1A2
THEO Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 202 74 62 2.1 5.5 931 0.5 0.4 -0.3 0.0 1.7 2.6 3.1 0.8 BB A1A2
RAGNAROK P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;scht;rptb 174 78 49 -0.2 2.6 1199 1.6 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 1.4 0.5 AA A2A2
NEWYORKER 168 66 38 0.8 2.6 638 0.8 1.4 -0.6 -0.4 1.2 1.2 1.6 0.8 AB A2A2
SAY RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red 161 75 21 0.3 -0.7 525 1.9 1.4 -1.2 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.8 -0.2 BB A2B
CHARMANDER 175 75 61 1.1 1.1 1309 1.1 1.0 0.0 -0.1 0.6 0.5 1.0 0.6 BB A1A2
RODECO 187 76 31 1.5 4.5 267 1.8 1.0 -0.2 1.3 1.5 3.0 2.6 0.9 AB A2A2
ROAD P RF Robot Polled heterozygous Red ro;scht;red 176 77 38 1.8 1.4 533 1.3 0.6 0.3 1.1 0.9 1.7 2.1 0.0 BB A1A1
COPYLAND 191 75 75 1.9 2.5 1470 1.6 1.4 -0.2 0.6 0.6 0.0 1.6 0.5 AB A1A2
BELLINI 187 74 55 2.5 2.1 730 1.3 0.9 -1.5 0.9 1.3 1.3 2.0 0.6 AB A1A2
RODDICK Fertimax Robot fm;ro 201 78 44 -0.7 -0.9 1355 2.9 2.4 1.0 1.1 1.6 2.4 2.7 -0.2 AB A2A2
RESCUE PK 178 76 65 2.2 7.3 795 0.0 0.5 -0.3 -0.7 0.8 -0.5 1.9 0.3 AB A1A2
CONCEPT Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 162 74 43 2.8 7.1 215 1.9 1.3 -1.1 1.0 0.7 1.1 0.2 0.3 AB A2A2
RAYBAN Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 196 78 87 4.0 5.0 1128 1.3 1.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.0 1.5 -0.6 AB A2A2
RAUL P Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance scht;rptb 179 76 54 2.0 6.4 645 1.2 0.5 0.4 1.0 1.2 2.4 1.0 0.5 AA A1A2
BENBOY 169 74 47 1.5 0.8 786 0.2 0.6 -1.2 -0.1 1.1 1.1 1.4 0.9 AB A1A2
ROGERS Fertimax fm 187 70 81 1.2 6.4 1490 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.2 1.3 0.1 BB A1A2
RANDY Robot ro 197 78 88 1.8 -2.1 2108 1.2 1.0 0.3 0.1 0.7 0.8 1.4 0.3 AB A2A2
RECORD RED Ferti+ Robot Red f;ro;red 166 79 30 0.2 -0.8 757 2.2 1.9 1.5 1.1 0.9 1.4 1.5 -0.3 AB A1A2
RADOMIR RF Ferti+ Robot Red Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;red;rptb 191 78 51 1.7 2.0 912 1.3 0.3 0.3 1.4 1.7 3.1 1.3 -0.2 AA A2A3
ROHIRIM Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 196 79 56 1.7 8.2 676 1.6 2.0 -0.4 0.3 1.3 1.9 1.9 0.7 AB A2A2
RALFONS P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous f;ro;scht 171 78 22 0.9 -2.1 560 2.7 2.2 -0.2 1.1 1.1 1.2 2.3 -0.6 AB A1A1
SUPPORTER 179 74 63 1.5 4.0 1122 0.6 0.7 -0.7 -0.1 0.8 0.3 1.4 0.7 AB A2A2
CASSILAS 184 74 75 -0.8 -1.5 2080 1.7 1.0 -0.3 1.1 0.6 1.1 0.4 1.1 AA A1A2
CASHFLOW Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 184 74 80 0.9 -0.5 1927 0.9 0.1 0.1 1.2 0.9 0.4 1.0 1.2 AB A2A2
TIGERMAN 188 73 59 1.4 5.0 931 2.1 1.2 0.0 1.4 1.1 0.0 1.8 0.2 AB A2A2
RELOUX P Robot Polled heterozygous ro;scht 175 79 37 2.0 2.5 426 2.4 2.3 0.0 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.9 0.3 BB A1A2
SHIPPER 185 75 50 -1.1 1.2 1517 1.8 1.3 0.1 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.7 0.8 AE A1A2
ROUGE RED Red Paratuberculosis Resistance red;rptb 187 77 36 2.3 3.2 348 2.3 2.2 0.5 0.9 1.5 3.0 2.1 0.2 BB A1A2
CASTELLI 180 74 56 -1.1 3.0 1509 1.7 0.5 0.3 1.4 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.7 BE A1A2
ROZYWILL Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 196 75 64 2.8 6.6 760 1.7 1.6 0.0 0.9 1.1 1.7 1.5 0.8 AB A2A2
ROKER Ferti+ f 205 78 75 0.7 -1.0 1885 1.3 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.4 2.7 1.6 0.5 BB A1A2
REVAUX PP Ferti+ Robot Polled homozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;schm;rptb 185 78 37 -1.4 -3.5 1452 2.6 2.4 1.3 0.5 1.3 1.3 2.2 -0.1 AA A1A2
LAZARO 183 76 65 4.1 4.3 537 1.0 1.3 -1.2 0.0 0.9 0.0 2.2 0.2 AB A2A2
ROLIF Ferti+ Robot f;ro 188 76 58 2.5 2.3 856 1.0 0.4 0.1 0.8 1.7 2.8 1.2 0.5 AA A2A2
RADDISON 167 71 58 2.0 2.7 919 2.0 1.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.0 0.0 -0.4 AA A1A2
ROOFTOP Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 194 75 72 3.2 11.8 629 0.9 1.8 -0.4 -0.4 0.7 0.5 1.3 -0.1 BB A1A2
REVALUE Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 180 76 51 4.5 1.6 283 2.4 2.4 0.3 0.8 1.2 1.8 1.1 0.3 BB A2A2
SPECULOS Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 191 78 47 1.5 2.9 780 2.9 2.2 0.9 1.2 1.2 2.1 1.6 0.3 AB A2A2
ZIVET 182 74 87 2.1 2.4 1607 1.3 1.8 0.0 0.2 0.6 -0.3 0.3 0.9 BB A2A2
SAWYER PK Robot ro 172 71 75 1.8 7.4 1215 -0.6 -0.2 0.4 -0.7 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.4 BB A1A2
SANTIAGO Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 197 76 56 0.0 0.5 1342 1.8 1.8 0.2 0.5 1.7 2.2 2.3 0.2 AA A2A2
RASTOR P Polled heterozygous scht 177 71 46 1.9 1.3 605 2.1 1.8 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.6 1.4 -0.5 AB A1A2
COVERBOY 187 68 69 2.1 5.6 1058 0.5 0.8 -1.7 0.0 1.1 0.4 2.2 0.8 AB A2A2
STIVE 186 79 39 2.0 -1.0 626 2.2 1.7 0.1 1.1 1.4 2.5 1.9 0.5 BB A2A2
SAPLOMB Fertimax Robot fm;ro 191 78 59 -1.2 -2.7 1849 3.0 2.2 -0.1 1.6 0.9 1.7 0.7 0.3 AB A1A2
STOUM Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 177 78 55 1.4 2.0 994 1.3 1.3 -0.1 0.5 0.7 2.6 0.5 0.6 AB A2A2
SUDOKU 165 74 52 -0.8 -1.1 1510 0.4 0.1 -1.5 0.1 0.9 0.0 1.5 0.6 AB A2A2
PINO RDC Red red 196 74 65 2.0 1.2 1263 1.7 1.3 0.3 0.8 1.0 0.7 1.9 0.3 AB A2A2
SKOLL PK 199 74 85 3.6 9.7 979 0.5 1.5 -0.2 -0.6 0.9 0.4 1.9 0.0 AA A2A2
SURFEUR Robot ro 193 74 45 2.6 3.8 531 2.2 1.6 0.6 1.0 1.7 3.0 2.1 0.3 AB A2A2
SALTO P Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;scht;rptb 181 74 40 0.8 2.2 787 1.6 1.4 -0.4 0.5 1.5 3.0 1.6 0.3 AA A2A2
SORRY P Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance scht;rptb 194 78 52 3.2 4.3 489 3.2 2.2 1.0 1.5 1.1 2.2 1.5 0.3 AB A2A2
SKATER Ferti+ f 202 75 58 2.6 1.9 901 2.6 2.2 0.1 1.2 1.7 0.9 2.5 -0.1 AA A1A2
POKERBOY 169 74 52 1.5 8.7 569 1.2 1.3 -0.1 -0.1 0.8 1.4 0.4 0.4 AB A2A2
SINATRA P Ferti+ Polled heterozygous f;scht 191 78 32 2.2 -0.2 348 2.2 1.3 0.1 1.5 1.4 2.1 3.0 -0.6 AB A1A2
ADWIN 181 73 57 -0.4 -0.9 1620 1.1 1.1 -0.8 0.7 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.1 BB A2A2
SUNBAY 208 79 65 2.2 2.0 1152 2.8 2.7 0.8 0.6 1.4 2.1 1.5 -0.1 BB A2A2
HENDRIX 167 75 39 0.7 8.0 464 0.8 1.2 -0.3 0.2 1.0 0.3 2.4 0.1 BB A1A2
SONIBEST Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 194 78 51 3.5 2.5 483 2.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.3 2.8 1.0 -0.4 AA A2A2
SKIPPY RDC Red red 181 75 38 -0.2 -0.2 989 1.0 0.6 -0.7 0.8 1.6 1.4 2.6 0.4 AA A1A2
SAMOS PP Robot Polled homozygous ro;schm 164 78 39 2.1 1.8 510 1.7 1.4 -0.4 0.8 0.7 0.4 1.4 -0.5 BB A1A2
MOSKITO 164 74 70 2.1 4.6 1104 0.0 1.0 -0.6 -0.6 0.1 0.1 0.7 0.3 AB A2A2
ADDO RED Red red 170 73 29 -0.6 -0.5 911 1.0 0.9 -1.0 0.7 1.4 1.4 2.5 0.5 AA A2A2
PATRIZIO 203 74 52 1.8 1.0 996 3.5 3.0 0.4 1.3 1.7 1.9 2.1 0.0 AB A2A2
SUMMUM Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 194 78 64 3.1 2.2 887 2.0 1.2 0.2 1.3 1.0 1.9 1.0 0.4 AB A2A2
SAUMUR PP Ferti+ Robot Polled homozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;schm;rptb 173 78 37 0.7 -0.6 898 1.4 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.9 2.1 1.4 0.8 BB A1A2
DINO PP Polled homozygous schm 161 74 43 3.5 5.3 140 1.9 1.2 0.7 0.7 0.3 -1.0 0.8 0.2 AB A2A2
PIXEL 183 72 61 1.3 5.0 1012 0.9 1.5 -1.4 -0.1 1.1 1.2 1.4 0.1 AA A2A2
SOLDADO Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 195 78 83 1.5 3.9 1620 1.7 1.9 1.8 0.0 0.8 1.4 0.9 0.3 AB A2A2
DYSON PP Polled homozygous schm 175 74 47 2.2 0.9 629 2.0 2.3 0.1 0.2 0.8 0.2 1.5 -0.3 AB A2A2
SOLIXOR Robot ro 195 78 69 3.6 2.3 952 1.4 1.0 -0.1 0.7 1.2 0.9 2.1 0.6 AB A2A2
GLAMOUR MR 180 74 85 1.4 4.5 1728 0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.0 0.1 AB A1A2
ADAMSKI 184 74 72 2.1 0.7 1471 1.2 1.5 -0.5 0.2 0.9 0.5 1.2 0.6 BB A2A2
SPEEDY P Polled heterozygous scht 202 78 73 2.8 10.6 773 2.3 2.4 -0.6 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.0 -0.2 BB A1A2
AIRCRAFT H 198 71 53 1.1 3.2 944 2.4 2.2 -0.4 0.8 1.2 1.8 2.0 -0.2 AE A1A2
SKETCH 195 75 57 2.4 -0.4 1013 2.6 2.1 0.2 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.0 0.1 AB A2A2
SWIFFER Robot ro 202 76 65 4.2 5.5 501 2.0 2.5 -0.5 0.1 1.0 0.3 2.6 0.1 AB A2A2
SORBAY P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous f;ro;scht 181 79 36 0.7 0.6 739 1.9 2.0 0.2 0.6 1.4 1.3 1.7 0.1 AA A1A2
SHERLOCK Fertimax Robot fm;ro 209 78 68 2.7 2.1 1166 1.5 1.7 0.9 0.4 1.4 1.2 3.0 -0.5 AB A2A3
MOMO RED P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 165 74 49 3.0 4.1 470 0.5 0.6 -0.1 -0.3 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.1 AB A2A2
STARBOY Robot ro 202 75 83 2.8 6.1 1259 1.3 1.3 0.4 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.0 0.2 AB A1A2
BENSTAR 174 69 71 1.3 0.3 1555 1.4 1.2 0.1 0.6 0.5 0.9 0.1 -0.4 AB A2A2
SUK P RF Robot Polled heterozygous Red ro;scht;red 196 78 67 4.2 6.1 535 1.5 1.4 0.0 0.7 1.1 0.8 1.7 1.1 BB A1A2
AVION RED Red Paratuberculosis Resistance red;rptb 173 74 44 1.5 4.4 592 1.3 1.2 -0.9 0.5 1.2 1.2 2.0 0.6 AB A1A2
SALAH Robot ro 203 78 95 2.6 4.7 1614 0.8 0.4 -1.3 0.7 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.2 AB A2A2
SANPEY 211 78 90 0.3 0.5 2199 1.1 0.6 0.1 0.8 1.3 0.9 2.3 0.4 AB A1A1
SKA RF PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red 186 72 47 1.3 -0.4 927 1.7 1.7 -0.5 0.3 1.0 1.9 2.4 0.3 BB A1A2
SPIELBERG Ferti+ Robot f;ro 199 78 45 0.0 -0.7 1195 3.5 2.9 0.7 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.9 -0.1 AB A1A2
SINKO Ferti+ Robot f;ro 203 74 88 4.7 8.8 865 0.5 0.6 -0.8 0.4 1.1 1.6 1.3 0.6 AB A2A2
SPRINGBOK 159 73 70 2.8 8.2 817 -0.5 -0.3 -0.5 -0.2 0.5 -0.5 0.4 0.5 BB A1A2
SURIBAY P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous f;ro;scht 224 78 64 3.3 4.5 773 1.8 0.9 -0.3 1.0 2.0 2.8 3.0 0.2 AB A2A2
SPOT RF Ferti+ Robot Red f;ro;red 188 78 59 2.1 4.1 985 2.3 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.8 2.0 1.0 0.0 BB A1A2
SOLFEGE Robot ro 199 78 71 1.6 5.8 1254 1.3 1.4 0.7 0.2 1.2 1.9 0.9 0.1 AB A1A2
MANTEGO 185 70 76 1.8 2.9 1289 0.6 0.8 -0.5 -0.1 0.6 -0.3 1.6 0.2 BB A1A2
ARGENT RED Red red 171 74 34 1.1 4.3 446 1.7 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.9 2.0 -0.8 BB A1A1
CAPITOL 193 72 72 0.4 2.4 1603 1.5 1.0 -0.3 0.8 0.7 1.2 1.2 0.3 AB A2A2
SPLINK Fertimax Robot fm;ro 196 74 83 3.8 10.7 755 1.1 1.2 -1.0 0.2 0.7 0.1 1.4 0.9 AA A2A2
SEGA P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 199 74 74 2.9 1.8 1248 1.6 1.4 -0.3 0.4 1.1 1.9 1.5 0.1 AB A2A2
SOFTBALL 182 73 83 3.0 9.5 986 -0.4 0.3 0.2 -0.8 0.5 -0.4 1.8 0.2 BB A2A2
SAVERLAT P Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;scht;rptb 182 78 35 1.5 0.9 590 2.0 1.0 0.1 1.3 1.3 1.1 2.3 0.5 AA A2A2
SAIKO 195 74 89 3.2 5.8 1276 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.4 1.0 1.1 1.4 0.0 AA A1A2
TORRINGTON 180 64 78 1.6 5.6 1366 0.4 0.6 -0.9 -0.2 0.6 1.2 0.2 -0.3 AB A2A2
AURELIUS 206 70 65 2.3 4.1 965 2.0 1.0 -0.7 1.7 1.3 0.9 2.8 0.7 BB A2A2
GENTRY WEL 197 68 86 1.5 4.3 1626 0.2 0.1 -0.8 0.2 0.8 0.6 1.9 0.3 AB A2A2
ZAZZARO 177 75 75 1.5 3.3 1375 0.6 0.7 -0.5 -0.1 0.9 1.0 0.2 0.2 AB A2A2
SUSIC PK Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 178 74 81 2.9 7.9 995 -0.4 -0.1 1.2 -0.4 0.6 0.7 1.0 0.7 AB A1A1
STOLPACO Robot ro 191 78 48 -0.1 0.1 1269 3.5 2.8 0.5 1.4 1.0 0.8 2.1 -0.6 AA A1A2
CARDANO PP Polled homozygous schm 152 75 9 -1.8 0.7 500 2.3 2.7 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.7 1.5 -0.3 AB A1A2
SIRI PP RF Robot Polled homozygous Red ro;schm;red 189 74 49 0.6 0.1 1173 2.1 1.5 0.6 1.2 1.1 2.0 1.8 -0.5 BB A2A2
SIENNE P Ferti+ Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance f;scht;rptb 205 78 54 0.6 0.0 1263 2.7 2.0 0.1 1.3 1.6 2.2 2.6 0.5 AB A1A1
SAVENAY Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 190 78 42 0.6 1.2 917 2.8 2.0 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.5 0.0 AA A2A2
MAT RED P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 180 74 60 3.6 6.4 522 -0.1 0.3 0.5 -0.5 1.1 1.9 1.7 0.7 BB A1A2
ARRIVAL 195 70 77 3.3 8.5 898 0.9 0.7 -1.1 0.7 1.1 1.3 0.7 0.1 BB A2A2
MAO RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red 139 74 49 0.8 -0.6 1107 0.5 0.3 -0.6 0.2 0.2 0.0 -0.5 0.1 AB A1A2
SMITH P Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;scht;rptb 185 74 66 3.7 4.0 674 0.3 0.9 -0.2 -0.5 1.0 0.0 2.6 0.7 BB A2A2
SPICY RED Red red 148 75 -1 -2.1 -0.9 485 3.3 3.2 -0.2 1.4 0.5 0.3 1.3 -1.5 AB A1A2
WAY MAKER 149 76 32 0.7 0.6 717 2.4 2.4 0.2 0.8 0.0 -0.8 0.6 0.0 AB A2A2
SAVANO RF Robot Red ro;red 199 75 44 3.2 2.2 398 3.2 3.1 1.4 1.1 1.7 2.7 1.6 0.1 AB A1A2
BORANO 167 74 55 1.9 5.0 798 0.6 0.7 -0.7 0.1 0.9 -0.4 1.9 0.3 AB A1A2
SAUGET Robot ro 190 78 37 0.4 2.0 849 3.2 2.3 0.0 1.4 1.4 2.2 1.7 0.1 AB A1A2
MONTEVIDEO 191 70 50 -0.2 2.0 1096 1.9 2.0 0.3 0.2 1.1 0.8 2.4 0.5 BB A1A2
ZATNEY P Polled heterozygous scht 178 75 81 3.6 10.5 797 -0.2 0.2 0.6 -0.2 0.7 0.4 0.2 -0.7 BB A2A2
ZAMPERONI 198 76 59 1.5 7.9 809 0.5 0.4 -0.1 -0.1 1.6 2.1 2.5 -0.2 BB A2A2
SALASOURCE Robot ro 196 78 65 2.3 -0.5 1290 1.6 1.6 1.6 0.6 1.1 1.7 2.2 0.3 BB A2A2
GREG RED Red red 163 74 57 1.4 3.7 982 -0.1 0.3 -1.3 -0.1 0.6 0.4 1.3 0.9 AB A2A2
GRENADIER 142 74 24 -0.8 -0.2 814 2.7 3.0 2.4 0.1 0.1 0.5 -0.1 -0.3 AE A1A2
NETFLIX 189 74 66 0.2 1.0 1569 1.5 1.9 -0.5 -0.3 1.0 0.4 1.6 0.7 AB A2A2
SITOLO Ferti+ Robot f;ro 205 78 58 3.0 0.6 882 3.2 2.7 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.3 2.0 -0.2 BB A1A1
SUZE Ferti+ Robot f;ro 197 78 56 3.0 3.0 754 1.8 1.5 -0.2 1.0 1.2 0.8 2.4 1.6 BB A2A2
SHO RED PP Ferti+ Polled heterozygous Red f;scht;red 182 75 22 1.6 3.1 125 2.2 1.6 -0.1 0.9 1.3 1.5 2.9 0.9 BB A1A2
STUD P RF Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 189 77 36 0.4 1.2 801 2.7 2.0 1.1 1.3 1.1 2.7 1.8 0.4 AB A2A2
SIDNEY P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;scht;rptb 189 78 52 3.4 8.0 241 1.4 1.1 0.7 0.2 1.2 1.2 2.7 0.4 BB A1A1
SOLISHER Ferti+ Robot f;ro 203 76 51 -0.3 -3.1 1540 2.6 2.0 0.6 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.7 -0.9 AA A1A2
FRED RED P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 186 74 33 1.9 3.0 325 3.3 2.5 -0.2 1.7 1.1 0.9 1.5 0.4 AB A2A2
FEIT RED P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 193 74 22 -0.8 1.0 636 3.4 2.8 -0.9 1.4 1.5 1.9 2.5 0.3 AB A2A2
SORBON RF Robot Red ro;red 199 78 54 0.8 2.5 1080 2.1 2.4 0.2 0.7 1.5 2.6 1.9 0.6 AA A1A1
NEPTUN 189 75 48 2.0 2.2 680 2.6 2.1 -0.2 1.4 1.4 1.9 1.3 -0.1 AE A1A2
STARLANDAI Robot ro 205 78 39 0.5 1.8 725 2.6 2.2 0.5 0.8 1.9 2.6 3.2 -0.2 BB A1A2
SOANY Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 199 78 61 0.9 3.4 1208 2.6 2.7 0.9 0.8 1.5 2.0 1.6 -0.9 AB A1A1
CAROSSA 185 74 61 1.0 1.7 1262 2.0 1.4 -0.6 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.2 AA A2A2
SOULMAN 205 70 88 3.8 10.1 899 1.3 1.2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.7 0.2 BB A1A2
PROLIFIC 168 73 55 0.5 8.1 784 0.2 0.2 -0.3 0.1 0.5 0.2 1.6 0.4 AE A1A2
SAMPRAS Ferti+ f 203 74 61 1.9 0.3 1204 2.4 1.6 -0.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 2.3 -0.3 AB A1A2
MANCHESTO 199 70 66 1.5 6.4 993 0.5 1.1 -0.2 -0.1 1.3 1.7 2.2 0.1 AA A1A2
SASHAY 197 68 68 2.4 8.0 750 -0.6 -0.9 -0.1 0.2 1.5 1.1 3.2 0.3 BB A1A2
SHAKAPONK Fertimax fm 201 78 56 2.4 3.3 848 3.5 1.9 0.6 2.2 1.0 2.1 1.4 0.5 BB A1A1
SALLOS PP Fertimax Polled homozygous fm;schm 174 74 59 1.7 -1.7 1263 1.0 1.3 -0.7 -0.1 0.7 1.1 1.2 1.5 AB A1A2
RANDOM RED Red red 181 74 59 2.0 4.4 944 1.2 1.3 0.9 0.4 1.3 1.0 1.6 0.0 BB A1A2
SUPERFAN Ferti+ Robot f;ro 193 78 69 3.3 4.6 908 1.9 1.7 1.3 0.8 1.0 1.6 1.2 -0.6 BB A1A2
NESPRESSO 206 72 67 1.6 0.7 1314 2.0 1.2 -0.5 1.4 1.7 1.2 2.4 -0.5 BB A2A2
TORNADO Fertimax Robot fm;ro 207 77 54 0.8 3.8 1051 3.0 1.8 1.0 1.4 1.6 2.5 2.1 0.5 AB A1A2
PEPITAS Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 219 73 85 2.0 3.5 1636 2.5 2.5 0.6 0.8 1.3 1.1 1.7 -0.3 AB A1A2
MORLAND 190 68 80 1.5 -1.2 1832 0.3 0.5 -1.1 -0.2 0.9 0.0 2.2 0.3 BB A2A2
TOTTI Ferti+ Robot f;ro 196 78 68 1.6 2.3 1323 2.9 2.6 0.9 0.7 1.1 0.4 1.6 -0.2 AB A2A2
TONY RED Ferti+ Robot Red f;ro;red 186 78 38 1.6 2.9 526 2.3 1.5 0.1 1.6 1.4 1.8 2.5 0.2 AA A1A2
BOSVITO 174 66 60 1.7 6.6 822 0.1 0.8 0.2 -0.6 0.8 1.4 1.3 -0.1 AB A1A1
MAHJONG 195 72 88 0.8 2.3 1972 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.9 -0.1 1.7 0.3 AB A2A2
THORPE RF Fertimax Robot Red fm;ro;red 204 76 68 0.6 1.4 1612 3.2 2.4 0.3 1.6 0.8 1.3 1.8 0.6 AB A1A2
TACK Robot ro 205 78 83 1.4 2.8 1652 2.0 1.2 0.4 1.1 0.9 1.2 1.3 0.6 AB A1A2
FRASER PP Polled homozygous schm 177 74 68 1.9 4.1 1124 0.3 1.2 -0.7 -0.5 0.4 -0.2 0.7 -0.7 BB A2A2
TANDEM RF Fertimax Robot Red Paratuberculosis Resistance fm;ro;red;rptb 214 76 66 1.2 0.0 1468 1.6 1.9 -0.9 0.5 1.4 1.0 3.0 0.4 AA A2A3
FRANCESCO 211 74 82 4.1 4.7 1070 2.0 0.9 -0.1 1.5 1.2 0.7 1.9 0.5 AB A1A2
TYSON RED Ferti+ Robot Red Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;red;rptb 191 76 60 1.9 4.1 1000 1.7 1.0 -0.1 1.4 1.0 1.4 1.3 0.5 AB A2A2
HUNTSVILLE 174 74 62 1.6 -1.1 1283 1.8 1.3 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 -0.1 AB A2A2
FAIRBANKS 210 74 81 4.0 4.6 1033 2.0 1.0 -0.1 1.5 1.2 0.7 1.9 0.5 AB A1A2
TINDER PK 181 70 81 3.6 7.5 910 -0.2 -0.5 -0.6 0.1 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.8 BE A1A2
ROMANERO 189 72 65 1.5 7.9 961 1.4 1.2 -0.3 0.6 0.8 0.1 2.1 0.7 BE A1A2
COOL RED Red red 185 74 53 2.1 4.8 710 2.0 1.0 -0.8 1.3 1.2 2.0 1.3 0.0 BB A1A1
AERONAUT 212 74 67 3.6 4.4 777 3.4 2.6 2.0 1.7 1.1 0.4 2.5 -0.4 AB A2A2
FOLLOW ME Ferti+ f 215 74 55 1.4 5.0 949 2.8 1.7 -0.2 1.3 1.8 1.8 2.8 0.9 AB A1A2
TITORO 189 73 79 0.6 7.3 1458 0.0 0.0 0.4 -0.4 0.7 -0.3 2.0 0.4 AE A1A2
TUTTO RED Ferti+ Robot Red Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;red;rptb 200 78 74 2.9 3.1 1226 2.1 2.1 0.2 0.6 1.1 1.6 1.0 -0.4 BB A1A2
TIPS Robot ro 207 78 79 1.6 0.1 1773 2.1 1.4 0.7 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.8 -0.6 AB A2A2
TIDJO Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 189 78 44 0.0 -2.2 1243 2.0 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 2.2 -0.5 AA A1A2
BIGSHOW 183 68 77 2.3 8.3 1105 -0.4 0.0 -0.2 -0.6 0.8 1.0 1.4 -1.0 BB A1A2
STORY PP Polled homozygous schm 169 74 54 3.8 6.1 366 0.7 1.0 0.2 -0.1 0.6 0.9 1.0 0.4 BB A2A2
BIGBAND 169 68 67 0.4 2.1 1475 0.4 0.5 -0.7 -0.1 0.6 0.5 0.5 -0.6 AA A2A2
BIGPACK 186 68 58 1.4 4.5 936 0.3 0.5 -1.2 -0.2 1.2 1.7 2.2 0.0 AB A1A2
BOGEDA 190 68 77 1.5 3.4 1492 0.7 0.0 -0.8 1.0 0.7 0.5 1.7 0.4 AA A2A2
TRILENT Ferti+ f 191 77 67 2.2 1.8 1176 1.0 0.7 -0.2 0.9 1.1 0.7 1.7 0.2 BB A2A2
TALAGOS Fertimax Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance fm;ro;rptb 207 78 49 1.2 0.4 1040 3.0 1.7 -0.1 1.9 1.4 1.1 2.9 0.6 AA A2A2
LOK RED PP Red red 155 74 46 -0.2 -2.8 1350 0.5 -0.3 -1.3 0.9 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.2 AB A2A2
TREFOUX PP Ferti+ Polled homozygous f;schm 191 78 42 1.7 2.0 668 2.8 2.3 0.9 1.0 1.3 2.4 1.4 0.8 AA A1A1
TRUST RED Robot Red ro;red 191 78 71 2.5 1.6 1239 0.9 0.6 -0.6 0.6 1.2 1.5 1.4 0.8 AB A1A2
TOFU PK 197 74 100 3.0 5.4 1668 0.2 -0.3 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.1 AB A1A2
TRISCO P Robot Polled heterozygous ro;scht 187 74 52 0.2 4.9 1064 2.2 2.1 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.5 0.4 BB A1A2
SIR PP RDC Polled homozygous Red schm;red 157 70 37 2.3 2.8 395 1.2 1.0 -0.5 0.1 0.8 0.9 0.0 AB A1A2
DREAMLINER 190 70 73 3.3 9.2 734 1.3 1.5 -0.5 0.3 0.5 0.0 1.3 0.3 AA A2A2
CAMOUFLAGE Fertimax fm 193 68 59 0.2 1.7 1334 2.2 1.5 -1.1 1.2 1.0 0.8 1.3 0.6 AB A2A2
FREEWAY PP Polled homozygous schm 170 74 44 1.6 6.0 542 0.9 1.3 -1.1 0.0 1.0 1.6 0.6 -0.1 BE A1A2
TORRA Robot ro 208 77 65 3.1 9.2 649 3.6 2.5 0.1 2.2 1.0 1.8 1.0 -0.1 AB A1A2
TALUN P Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance scht;rptb 208 78 70 1.5 4.6 1313 2.8 1.8 0.7 1.6 1.2 2.9 0.7 0.1 AA A2A2
BIGLUCK Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 179 68 54 0.0 2.9 1180 0.4 0.4 -1.4 -0.3 1.1 1.6 1.9 0.0 BB A1A2
PROMISE RED Red red 192 74 58 2.5 2.9 842 1.3 1.4 0.1 0.4 1.7 2.1 -0.1 AB A2A2
MAZ RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red 171 74 36 2.2 5.5 240 2.2 2.4 -0.3 0.8 1.0 1.6 0.7 0.4 AB A1A2
TIGUAN Robot ro 201 77 71 4.2 6.7 701 2.9 1.5 0.5 2.0 1.1 1.5 1.1 0.4 AB A2A2
TOUCHY Robot ro 203 70 77 2.8 8.3 924 1.0 0.9 -0.7 0.4 1.0 1.7 1.7 0.4 AB A2A2
CALAIS P Polled heterozygous scht 179 70 53 1.5 3.1 877 0.9 0.7 -0.3 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.7 -0.3 AB A2A2
TOPKER 196 78 43 3.0 5.3 307 3.1 2.6 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.9 2.1 -0.4 AB A1A1
SPOONBILL 194 70 93 2.7 3.5 1686 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.2 0.8 1.1 0.8 -0.1 AB A2A2
MACBETH 184 74 80 1.8 7.0 1301 0.4 1.4 -0.3 -0.9 1.1 1.2 1.1 0.7 BB A2A2
TUSTIN Robot ro 211 70 68 1.3 4.7 1191 1.5 2.1 -0.1 -0.1 1.3 2.5 2.2 0.2 AB A1A2
TAVERNIER Robot ro 208 77 68 2.5 3.0 1141 2.7 2.2 1.0 1.3 1.2 2.2 2.0 0.4 AB A2A2
FINETIME 180 74 78 1.5 5.9 1417 1.5 1.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 -1.0 0.7 -0.5 AB A2A2
TAMACK P Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;scht;rptb 219 75 53 0.2 -2.6 1498 2.7 2.0 0.8 1.1 1.9 2.6 3.5 0.1 AA A2A2
TANNAT RED Ferti+ Robot Red Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;red;rptb 197 77 44 1.0 -0.6 955 2.1 2.1 -0.1 0.7 1.3 1.6 3.2 0.4 BB A1A2
TALAVENIR Robot ro 216 75 61 1.5 3.1 1012 2.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 1.6 0.8 3.8 1.5 AB A1A2
ROONEY RED Fertimax Red Paratuberculosis Resistance fm;red;rptb AB A2A2
FOX PP RDC Polled homozygous Red schm;red BE A1A2
RAPIDO 196 70 73 1.5 8.4 1077 0.2 0.3 -1.2 0.1 1.1 0.6 2.3 0.6 AB A2A2
GLASGOW 188 74 65 1.6 6.2 1066 1.3 1.1 -0.3 0.5 1.3 1.6 1.4 -0.3 AB A2A2
COP RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red 179 70 34 2.7 5.3 118 2.0 1.6 -0.5 1.0 1.2 1.7 1.7 1.2 BE A1A1
TOPGUN Robot ro 211 75 84 3.2 2.2 1453 3.1 1.8 1.2 1.7 0.9 0.5 1.3 0.3 BB A2A2
TRUSTIC P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous f;ro;scht 203 75 91 4.7 8.1 984 1.4 1.4 0.7 0.4 0.9 1.5 0.9 0.2 AB A2A2
ZANGANI 219 70 77 3.1 5.3 1056 0.5 1.3 -0.8 -0.5 1.8 2.0 3.7 1.0 AA A1A2
TONUTTI Robot ro 197 75 55 0.5 -0.8 1292 2.7 2.2 -0.1 1.4 1.1 2.0 1.3 0.2 BB A2A2
TOURANGEAU Robot ro 218 75 81 2.5 7.2 1125 1.9 1.8 0.8 0.6 1.3 0.7 2.7 0.3 BB A2A2
RIOS P RDC Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 202 68 53 2.3 4.5 673 2.2 1.9 -0.8 0.9 1.3 1.5 2.3 0.8 BB A1A2
TOOLATE 221 72 105 3.2 10.6 1407 1.1 1.5 -0.9 0.1 1.2 1.3 1.6 0.3 AB A1A1
FIRSTDATE Fertimax fm 197 70 58 0.7 2.3 1216 1.7 1.6 -0.8 0.3 1.4 0.9 2.4 1.3
TROSCOFF Ferti+ Paratuberculosis Resistance f;rptb 212 75 61 2.8 4.1 792 1.9 1.8 0.0 0.8 1.7 3.9 1.9 0.6 AB A2A2
REAL SYN Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 217 71 80 0.0 4.4 1854 2.2 2.4 -0.4 0.8 1.4 1.4 2.2 0.8 AB A2A2
ROBOCOP Fertimax fm 196 71 55 0.9 2.9 1081 1.9 2.9 0.2 -0.1 1.4 0.9 2.4 0.7 BE A1A2
THIEM 219 74 63 -0.6 -4.2 1927 3.0 2.7 1.6 1.2 1.6 3.0 2.3 -0.5 AB A2A2
TRUBY P Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;scht;rptb 199 75 46 1.6 1.7 867 3.4 2.2 0.4 1.6 1.5 1.5 2.3 0.9 AA A1A2
ROCKWELL Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 212 71 66 1.9 5.3 1006 2.1 1.4 -0.9 1.3 1.5 0.9 2.6 1.1 AB A2A2
TOPLIZ P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous f;ro;scht 190 75 46 -0.4 -1.4 1315 3.4 2.2 0.8 2.0 0.9 1.2 1.2 -0.5 AB A1A2
SMS RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red 154 74 14 -1.4 0.2 618 2.4 2.5 0.7 0.8 0.5 -0.7 1.1 -0.4 AB A2A2
TOMATENE P Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;scht;rptb 194 75 67 1.7 0.6 1442 2.5 1.6 2.5 1.2 0.9 2.2 0.7 0.3 AB A2A2
TAROK P Fertimax Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance fm;ro;scht;rptb 199 74 53 0.4 2.6 1161 2.5 1.7 0.9 1.3 0.9 1.4 2.1 0.5 AB A1A2
RIVERSIDE Fertimax fm 206 66 73 2.5 3.3 1224 2.6 2.1 -0.7 1.1 1.4 0.9 1.6 0.6
OVERFLOW 198 66 64 2.8 9.0 636 1.0 1.1 -0.1 -0.1 1.2 0.9 2.7 0.7 AB A1A1
CHIC RED P Fertimax Polled heterozygous Red fm;scht;red BB A1A1
TIAMOR Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 202 74 69 1.2 0.8 1444 2.9 3.4 0.9 0.3 0.9 1.0 1.3 -0.1 BB A1A2
TEASING 190 72 64 2.4 8.7 695 0.4 1.0 -1.6 -0.6 1.1 1.9 2.3 0.8 AB A1A2
SOJAS PP Polled homozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance schm;rptb AB A2A3
SKYFALL 210 70 76 2.2 5.4 1205 1.5 0.9 -0.1 0.9 1.4 1.6 2.2 0.9 AA
ROLLER 193 68 73 3.1 9.7 793 1.2 1.2 -0.3 0.3 1.0 1.1 1.4 0.5 AB A1A2
TOKAIL Robot ro 194 70 42 1.0 0.9 849 2.3 2.0 0.3 0.9 1.3 1.4 2.7 0.7 BB A1A2
RAINSTAR 199 70 91 1.9 4.2 1761 0.7 1.2 0.7 0.0 0.9 0.4 1.5 0.6 BB A2A2
TOLIMA 198 68 81 3.3 7.2 955 1.1 0.6 -0.5 1.0 0.7 0.6 1.9 -0.1 AB A1A2
RIVERMAN Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 200 68 74 2.1 3.0 1353 1.1 1.2 -0.3 0.0 1.3 2.5 1.6 0.7 BB A2A2
TEXY P Polled heterozygous scht 195 75 51 2.2 2.5 688 2.7 1.7 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.9 0.1 AB A1A2
HOTSPIN PP Fertimax Polled homozygous fm;schm 184 70 53 1.0 1.6 1051 0.9 1.2 0.0 -0.3 1.0 0.6 2.3 0.8 BB A1A2
TAKEN Robot ro 200 72 79 3.4 9.3 865 2.4 1.2 0.0 1.6 1.0 1.6 0.9 0.0 BB A1A1
TUKERHEU P Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;scht;rptb 198 70 50 0.1 -0.4 1305 2.3 1.4 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.4 2.8 0.5 AA A1A2
TOUGLAZ Robot ro 198 68 84 0.2 5.3 1794 1.5 1.2 1.4 0.4 1.0 1.6 0.9 -0.2 AA A2A2
TRIGAVOU Robot ro 204 75 61 2.6 3.8 934 2.5 2.3 0.4 1.0 1.4 1.7 2.1 1.0 AB A1A2
TAVANJER Robot ro 204 71 58 -0.2 1.1 1407 2.3 1.5 0.4 1.0 1.5 1.6 2.1 -0.4 AB A2A2
ETCHEBEST 199 70 88 2.9 5.7 1324 0.6 0.8 -0.8 0.2 0.9 -0.3 1.8 -0.6 AA A2A2
ZIRKEL 206 68 58 0.5 -0.3 1394 2.1 2.5 -1.7 0.4 1.7 2.2 2.1 0.8 BB A2A2
RAYBAN P Polled heterozygous scht 193 70 78 1.5 6.9 1345 1.0 1.2 -0.2 0.3 0.8 -0.1 1.7 -0.5 AB A2A2
TODOLIST 207 70 73 2.0 6.7 1027 0.8 0.6 -1.1 0.4 1.2 0.8 2.6 1.1 AB A2A2
TONYKROOS Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 202 73 72 1.4 3.0 1486 2.5 2.2 0.1 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.7 0.0 AA A2A2
MCALISTER 195 66 67 2.8 9.9 664 2.1 1.3 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.5 1.6 -0.2 BB A1A2
TALAUG P Polled heterozygous scht 204 70 62 1.1 2.7 1270 1.6 1.4 1.6 0.3 1.2 1.8 2.6 -0.6 BB A1A1
SMASH PP Polled homozygous schm 179 70 52 -1.1 -4.8 1771 0.5 0.8 -0.4 0.0 1.2 1.0 2.2 0.1
TOUZAC RED Robot Red ro;red 205 73 49 2.3 0.3 826 2.8 2.4 0.1 1.1 1.7 2.7 2.4 0.3 BB A1A2
TREY 214 70 72 1.5 5.2 1223 1.1 1.1 -0.7 0.7 1.6 2.1 2.7 -0.5 AA A1A2
TENNIE Robot ro 215 75 68 4.7 3.3 709 3.3 2.8 -0.3 1.5 1.4 1.7 2.1 0.5 AB A2A2
CADILLAC Fertimax fm 183 68 62 0.4 0.9 1437 1.3 0.6 0.7 1.2 0.9 0.1 1.3 0.2
TEACUP P Polled heterozygous scht 210 72 89 2.9 6.0 1417 2.3 2.1 -0.2 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.0 -0.1 BB A1A2
ZERMATT 196 70 81 3.3 4.8 1184 2.0 2.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 -0.4 1.1 0.4
TREVERT Robot ro 209 77 48 1.3 2.3 828 2.3 1.8 0.3 0.6 1.7 1.9 3.7 0.7 AA A1A2
MARRIOTT 213 72 79 2.4 6.0 1226 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.1 1.4 1.4 2.3 0.3
UROUET P 200 75 56 0.3 4.0 1108 2.0 1.7 0.0 0.7 1.3 1.4 2.3 0.5 AB A1A2
DURANCE 192 70 81 2.2 7.9 1218 1.5 1.2 -0.7 0.7 0.6 0.1 0.0
ZORBAS Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 192 70 78 0.6 2.8 1671 1.3 1.1 -0.4 0.3 0.8 -0.4 1.6 0.8
ULICUP P Polled heterozygous scht 195 72 69 3.0 6.4 816 2.0 2.1 0.1 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.2 0.2 BB A1A2
Bizarro 192 70 84 1.7 6.7 1471 1.0 0.5 -0.7 0.5 0.6 -0.3 1.3 -0.1 AB A2A2
Banderas 191 70 81 1.7 10.6 1152 0.4 0.7 -0.3 -0.4 0.7 -0.5 1.6 0.0 AB A1A2
ULEYBEN RF Red Paratuberculosis Resistance red;rptb 205 70 54 1.4 5.4 835 2.7 2.5 0.3 1.0 1.6 2.6 1.7 -0.2 AB A2A2
URREZKO 198 73 55 1.7 -0.4 1060 3.5 3.0 0.7 1.4 1.4 1.8 1.1 0.1 AB A2A2
ULTRABOY 191 68 69 4.0 11.4 409 1.4 1.6 -0.1 0.0 0.9 0.8 1.4 0.2 BB A1A2
TEMPTATION Fertimax fm
Car Red PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red
UPRO 211 73 77 1.6 -0.5 1722 1.9 1.3 0.9 1.1 1.3 2.6 1.5 0.4 BB A2A2
UHLAN RF Red Paratuberculosis Resistance red;rptb 204 73 60 2.2 1.3 997 1.9 1.1 0.6 1.4 1.5 2.9 1.7 0.3 AB A2A3
NEON RED Red red AB A1A2
ULAIT 201 73 78 1.4 -0.1 1775 1.8 1.0 1.1 0.7 1.2 1.9 0.8 0.9 AB A2A2
POPSTONE 189 70 78 0.6 5.3 1507 0.5 1.0 -0.4 -0.1 0.8 0.5 1.2 0.5 AE A1A1
UBRIKA Robot ro 204 73 74 3.0 3.9 1184 2.2 2.0 1.5 0.7 1.3 1.6 1.6 -0.2 AB A2A2
UDOL 225 70 71 2.7 3.8 1171 2.5 2.0 0.3 1.0 1.6 2.4 3.1 0.5 AB A2A2
Raven Red Red red
UPSET PK 188 70 93 0.3 3.4 1987 -0.3 -0.1 0.0 0.1 1.0 1.6 0.8 0.9
USNARI Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 200 74 67 3.3 2.7 1001 2.8 2.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.3 0.2 BB A2A2
URZOKARI Robot ro 200 73 53 0.4 4.8 1059 3.1 2.1 1.4 1.6 1.0 1.1 1.8 0.3 AA A1A2
ULTRAFOUX Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 217 73 52 0.9 3.8 1013 3.3 3.0 0.2 1.4 1.9 3.4 2.5 0.8 AA A2A2
ULRICH RF Red red 203 73 65 0.3 5.0 1358 2.1 1.8 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.9 1.8 0.1 AB A1A2
UFAKO New Robot new;ro 209 70 77 3.4 6.1 991 2.2 1.7 -0.5 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.9 0.6 AB A2A2
Pythos 198 74 68 1.7 5.9 972 1.6 1.1 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.5 2.3 0.4 AB A2A2
AVENGERS 194 70 82 2.5 9.8 1064 0.1 0.2 -0.9 -0.3 1.3 2.0 0.3 AA A2A2
Hyperlink 193 68 65 -0.9 0.7 1809 2.1 1.3 0.3 1.4 0.9 1.4 1.2 0.1 AB A2A2
UPDATE Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 221 71 70 3.5 3.6 982 2.9 1.7 0.0 1.9 1.4 1.6 2.8 1.4 AB A1A2
Havanna PP Polled homozygous schm 176 70 65 3.7 3.7 787 0.1 0.3 0.2 -0.1 0.9 0.2 1.3 0.3
Gimano 200 68 76 0.6 7.2 1406 1.4 0.8 -1.2 0.7 0.8 0.7 1.6 0.6 AB A1A2
ULDADO 210 73 83 3.6 7.4 1030 2.3 2.0 1.0 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.3 0.0 BB A2A2
Greyson 178 64 61 1.4 4.5 1042 1.0 1.1 -0.6 0.1 0.7 0.4 1.4 0.2
Highplayer 191 68 65 -0.8 -1.2 1809 0.9 0.3 -0.1 0.8 1.1 0.4 2.2 0.3 AB A2A2
Patchwork Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 205 70 59 2.0 2.0 1067 2.9 1.9 -0.3 1.9 1.4 1.2 2.1 1.3
UNIFOUX P Robot Polled heterozygous ro;scht 229 73 88 2.4 3.5 1668 1.6 0.6 -0.6 1.2 1.7 2.8 2.3 0.5 AB A2A2
Tronity 180 66 87 2.5 3.9 1516 -0.3 0.3 0.1 -0.8 0.7 0.3 1.0 0.4 BB A1A2
TROPHY 210 68 72 2.7 8.9 839 2.0 2.3 -1.4 0.9 1.3 0.8 2.5 0.2 AA A2A2
FIRESTORM 213 70 77 1.7 1.5 1564 2.4 1.3 0.6 1.5 1.2 1.7 2.0 0.2 AB A2A2
Trovatos AA A2A2
UDIGSTON 224 74 93 5.8 10.5 730 0.9 1.1 -0.1 0.0 1.4 1.4 2.0 0.5 AB A2A2
UZEDA P Polled heterozygous scht 217 70 63 2.9 3.2 921 3.7 2.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 3.0 1.3 -0.4 AB A1A2
MIRACULOUS 177 66 58 1.8 8.5 642 -0.2 0.3 -1.6 -0.6 0.9 0.8 2.5 -0.1 BB A1A2
UPBEAT PK 190 66 75 2.7 10.6 828 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.4 0.5 2.6 0.0 BB A2A2
CAPTCHA 218 70 69 1.2 3.0 1381 2.9 1.9 -0.7 1.9 1.0 1.2 2.6 0.8 AB A2A2
UCCELLINI New Robot new;ro 217 73 68 2.6 5.3 993 2.4 2.1 -0.5 1.0 1.9 3.1 1.5 -0.1 AA A1A2
UNYGANN P Polled heterozygous scht 222 74 62 3.3 4.5 716 3.5 2.1 0.8 2.2 1.9 2.6 2.2 0.0 AA A1A2
UPTON PK 209 70 78 2.9 4.8 1122 2.1 1.3 1.7 1.2 0.9 2.3 -0.5 AB A1A1
UHAITZ New Robot new;ro 216 73 72 2.2 0.3 1344 1.8 1.3 0.3 0.9 1.7 2.9 2.1 0.4 AB A1A2
ULKY PP Robot Polled homozygous ro;schm 203 73 70 1.2 3.9 1414 2.0 2.1 0.1 0.3 1.3 2.1 1.3 0.2 AB A1A2
HALLOWEEN Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 220 66 75 2.1 1.2 1377 2.3 1.6 -0.6 1.2 1.4 1.0 2.6 -0.5
SEE PP RDC Polled homozygous Red Paratuberculosis Resistance schm;red;rptb 201 70 78 2.6 1.6 1453 1.3 1.0 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.2 0.9 -0.3 BE A1A2
GIBCOIN 198 64 73 1.4 5.7 1328 1.2 1.3 -1.1 -0.3 1.2 2.1 1.6 0.5 BB A1A2
UDRYAK RED New Robot Red new;ro;red 201 73 69 1.5 1.1 1445 3.1 2.5 0.6 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.4 -0.1 BB A1A2
ZYRIAK 207 66 71 3.0 11.0 674 1.9 1.4 -1.1 0.8 1.3 2.3 0.2 AB A1A1
UBISOFT New Robot new;ro 208 73 71 3.7 3.2 939 2.6 1.2 1.6 1.8 1.1 1.8 1.9 0.3 BB A1A2
UPSTANDING Robot ro 208 70 84 3.2 6.4 1144 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.4 1.1 0.8 2.2 -0.3 AA A1A2
DOC PP RDC New Polled homozygous Red new;schm;red
UVIC RF PP New Robot Polled homozygous Red new;ro;schm;red 192 73 54 0.5 0.9 1250 3.0 2.2 0.9 1.5 0.9 1.1 1.6 -1.2 AB A2A2
UNATONIA New Robot new;ro 214 73 79 2.7 2.6 1416 2.3 2.0 1.6 0.7 1.1 1.1 2.5 0.0 BB A1A2
UNDERGAMES New Robot Polled homozygous Red new;ro;schm;red 213 73 66 2.6 -0.6 1196 2.4 2.0 0.3 1.1 1.5 3.3 2.0 1.0 BB A1A2
CABRIOLET New new 186 70 88 0.9 5.0 1799 0.8 0.4 -0.2 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.5 1.1
DOUG PP New Polled homozygous new;schm 185 70 59 -0.3 -0.3 1560 0.6 0.0 -0.4 0.6 1.3 1.9 1.5 0.4
UKKO 202 68 84 2.9 8.2 1091 1.0 0.4 0.0 0.7 -0.2 2.1 0.8 AB A2A2
SEGWAY P Polled heterozygous scht 213 70 80 0.1 1.4 2013 2.5 1.7 0.7 1.1 1.2 1.2 2.1 -0.2
ISIOLO PP New Polled homozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance new;schm;rptb 197 70 56 2.0 1.6 896 0.3 0.5 -0.5 -0.1 2.0 3.0 2.3 0.2
RELISTIC New new 198 70 81 -0.2 0.4 2120 2.1 1.6 0.5 0.9 1.0 1.4 0.4 -0.2
FAX RED PP New Polled homozygous Red Paratuberculosis Resistance new;schm;red;rptb 175 70 43 2.0 5.2 491 1.1 1.4 -1.3 0.0 1.1 1.5 1.7 0.4
UZTAR P New Robot Polled heterozygous new;ro;scht 209 73 67 1.5 4.2 1143 2.4 1.5 1.1 1.5 1.1 1.1 1.9 0.0 BB A2A2
Dean Red P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 192 70 62 -0.5 0.6 1657 0.9 0.2 0.0 1.0 1.2 0.6 2.4 0.6
Smartie P New Polled heterozygous new;scht 211 68 86 4.8 6.5 934 0.6 0.1 -0.3 0.7 1.5 1.8 2.3 1.0
GIBNEY New new 201 64 81 1.8 4.5 1470 1.3 0.9 -0.6 0.5 0.9 1.1 1.6 -0.5
SKINNY PP New Polled homozygous new;schm 207 70 66 2.0 1.5 1219 1.4 0.9 -1.1 0.7 1.8 2.0 2.3 0.4
ARTHIS New Paratuberculosis Resistance new;rptb
GARCON New new 207 68 92 1.4 3.0 1872 1.4 1.3 -0.5 0.3 0.8 -0.1 2.1 0.0
ALSTER New new 216 68 82 1.8 4.2 1504 1.9 1.4 0.1 0.9 1.3 1.5 2.3 0.2
GOURMET New new 186 68 69 2.4 6.6 987 1.2 1.8 -0.9 -0.2 0.7 -0.2 1.4 -0.5
USQVARNA New Robot new;ro 214 73 64 1.5 -1.0 1427 3.3 2.4 1.1 1.5 1.3 1.6 2.1 0.5 AB A1A2
MEDY RED P New Polled heterozygous Red new;scht;red
TUCSON RED New Red Paratuberculosis Resistance new;red;rptb
BONOBO New Paratuberculosis Resistance new;rptb 200 68 84 1.6 1.7 1744 1.7 1.2 -0.5 0.7 1.3 0.9 -0.2
BOSTONI New Paratuberculosis Resistance new;rptb
FUN RED PP New Polled homozygous Red new;schm;red 190 70 34 0.4 1.0 705 2.5 1.8 -0.9 1.3 1.8 2.4 0.3
SIAM RED P New Polled heterozygous Red new;scht;red 201 70 54 1.3 7.2 832 2.3 1.5 -1.4 1.2 1.8 2.3 0.4
SORANJO New new 207 70 75 0.6 2.4 1673 2.6 1.9 -0.3 1.0 2.0 1.0 -0.3
SUNGOLD New new 204 70 94 2.0 0.5 1944 2.1 1.4 -0.1 0.8 0.8 0.7 -0.3
MAJOR TOM New new 205 70 87 -0.1 -1.8 2409 1.5 1.3 -1.0 1.0 0.5 1.3 0.1
NOUDEC Ferti+ f 150 95 66 1.8 -0.7 1354 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 -0.9 0.3 AB A2A2
NEWSTAR 145 95 27 0.1 -0.5 759 2.1 2.9 1.9 -0.3 0.6 1.5 -0.3 0.0 AA A2A2
GRANDPRIX 92 91 -25 0.8 2.7 -933 1.5 1.3 0.7 0.4 1.3 -0.9 0.1 AB A1A2
SALVO RDC Red red 164 92 34 0.3 3.9 621 0.3 0.5 0.0 0.1 1.6 2.2 0.4 AB A1A2
SPARK RED Red red 166 95 33 -1.0 -5.0 1385 1.8 0.9 -0.9 1.4 0.9 1.3 1.7 0.4 BB A1A1
NARUTO Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 168 95 29 0.4 1.6 617 1.6 2.4 0.0 -0.4 1.2 1.7 1.8 0.0 AB A2A2
MAC PP RDC Polled homozygous Red schm;red BB A2A2
DUNBOY RED Red red 126 95 -6 1.3 -1.3 -378 1.7 2.7 -0.8 -0.4 1.7 0.8 1.1 AA A1A2
MERIAN PP Polled homozygous schm BB A2A2
AVANCERED Red red 134 94 15 0.5 3.4 97 0.9 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.4 -0.3 AE A1A1
NEOSTAR 153 95 20 -2.2 -1.8 1114 2.8 2.2 0.6 1.7 0.6 2.1 0.1 0.1 BB A2A2
SIXDAYS 142 93 29 1.6 4.2 184 1.0 1.1 -0.6 0.5 0.9 0.2 0.1 AB A2A2
SUPERDAY 166 91 62 1.6 1.9 1144 1.0 0.6 -0.5 0.7 0.2 0.8 -0.5 BB A2A2
ADMIRO PP Polled homozygous schm 162 95 27 -0.2 -3.0 914 1.8 1.8 0.1 0.6 0.7 2.2 -0.3 BB A1A2
TOPSTONE 186 92 67 0.2 0.5 1635 0.9 0.4 0.2 0.4 1.0 1.1 1.5 -0.4 BB A1A2
SOLITO RED Red Paratuberculosis Resistance red;rptb 171 95 12 -0.1 2.6 237 2.9 2.4 -0.6 1.5 1.2 1.2 2.5 0.6 BE A1A2
STERN RED Red red 153 91 32 1.7 5.2 201 0.6 -0.2 -1.4 1.2 0.4 1.3 1.0 BB A1A2
NEWDEAL 154 81 54 0.2 1.9 1262 -0.3 -0.1 -1.3 0.3 0.5 -0.4 1.1 0.1 AA A1A2
GIN TONIC 182 92 64 0.7 1.0 1466 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.4 2.1 1.6 -0.4 AA A2A2
LUX RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red BB A2A2
NEWTIME 161 95 56 1.8 2.8 917 0.2 -0.1 0.1 1.0 0.4 1.3 0.7 -0.5 AB A2A2
NUACES Ferti+ Robot f;ro 161 95 38 1.3 1.9 611 1.0 0.5 1.4 0.5 0.8 1.6 1.1 -0.1 AB A1A2
LUI RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red AB A2B
NEUWILLER Ferti+ f 172 95 36 0.8 0.8 719 1.4 0.3 0.2 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.7 0.7 AB A1A2
NANCY RED Red red 143 95 5 0.5 -1.1 100 0.8 1.6 -1.0 -0.4 0.9 -0.1 2.6 0.3 AB A2A2
GREATBOY 167 93 37 1.9 3.8 384 1.5 1.9 0.0 0.1 0.7 1.7 1.0 AB A2A2
PAN RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red AB A1A2
TOPMODEL 171 93 62 3.0 6.9 502 1.1 1.2 0.7 0.4 0.5 1.2 -0.2 BB A2A2
NILWAY Ferti+ Paratuberculosis Resistance f;rptb 152 95 4 1.0 1.0 -159 3.5 2.8 0.6 2.0 0.7 1.8 1.0 0.0 AB A1A1
GIGANTIX 168 94 64 0.6 1.8 1405 1.3 1.3 0.3 0.9 -0.2 0.3 0.1 AB A2A2
NACASH 164 95 43 4.1 8.7 -327 1.4 1.2 0.0 0.3 0.8 0.3 1.4 0.1 BB A2A2
NAZAIRIEN 165 95 39 1.2 1.9 660 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.5 1.2 1.8 1.0 0.7 AA A1A1
OXFORD Ferti+ f 152 95 25 1.3 -3.5 577 2.3 2.5 1.3 0.1 0.9 1.8 0.4 -1.1 BB A2A2
ADLER PP Polled homozygous schm AB A2A2
BOY RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red AB A2B
OHEME Ferti+ f 172 95 41 3.2 3.0 193 2.8 2.1 0.5 1.7 1.0 0.7 0.9 -0.2 AB A2A2
LINO RED P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red AB A2A2
OASIS P Robot Polled heterozygous ro;scht 148 95 25 0.2 0.9 578 1.7 1.4 1.8 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.9 0.9 AA A1A1
ORLY Ferti+ Robot f;ro 155 95 29 1.2 0.5 474 1.9 1.5 1.7 0.6 0.6 1.2 0.9 0.1 AB A2A2
GORDION Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb AB A2A2
OUED Ferti+ Paratuberculosis Resistance f;rptb 179 95 40 0.5 2.7 800 1.8 1.3 -0.6 1.1 1.0 2.1 1.4 0.9 BB A1A2
OXTERRIL Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 168 95 41 0.8 -2.9 1066 0.6 1.4 -1.2 -0.4 1.3 1.6 2.1 1.0 BB A2A2
ODERNEAU Ferti+ Robot f;ro 160 95 50 0.6 1.4 1089 1.9 1.4 0.4 1.0 0.2 -0.7 0.7 0.2 AB A2A2
BOBEST PP Polled homozygous schm AE A1A2
ORKA RED Ferti+ Robot Red f;ro;red 137 95 2 -0.3 -1.3 226 1.5 1.3 0.1 0.5 0.8 0.4 1.7 0.6 AB A1A2
AVATAR RED Red Paratuberculosis Resistance red;rptb 124 95 -17 1.8 2.8 -908 2.4 1.5 0.7 1.1 0.7 -0.1 1.4 0.2 AB A1A1
OTTAWA Robot ro 171 95 47 3.0 6.8 197 2.3 1.4 0.2 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 AB A1A1
OGOUENO 170 95 71 4.0 5.5 615 0.7 1.0 0.5 -0.1 0.6 1.0 0.7 0.2 AB A2A2
OSAKA Robot ro 158 95 28 2.2 4.2 9 2.2 2.4 -0.9 0.6 0.7 1.5 0.7 0.4 AB A2A2
OMILK RED Ferti+ Red f;red 135 95 28 -1.8 -6.0 1482 0.7 0.6 1.4 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.2 -0.1 AA A2A2
COMPLEX Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 173 95 74 1.2 0.9 1609 0.7 1.3 0.2 -0.5 0.7 0.9 0.6 -0.1 AA A2A2
FRANKY 166 77 39 0.7 4.2 665 0.6 1.3 -0.6 -0.6 0.6 2.0 0.6 AA A2A2
OZIL Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 162 95 35 0.0 -0.9 980 2.7 1.6 2.2 2.1 0.9 0.7 0.8 -0.1 AB A2A2
DELIKAT 151 76 36 1.1 7.3 340 -0.1 0.4 -0.9 -0.9 2.1 0.6 1.8 EE A1A1
OKALIBRA 164 95 41 3.7 0.7 205 1.0 1.6 1.1 -0.4 1.1 1.5 1.3 -0.1 BB A2A2
OBOIS Ferti+ Robot f;ro 146 95 5 0.4 1.4 -14 1.6 1.9 1.5 0.6 1.0 0.5 2.1 0.3 AB A2A2
OROC RF Red red 167 95 22 0.0 0.4 568 1.8 0.5 -0.6 2.2 1.1 3.0 1.6 1.1 AB A1A1
OYONNAX 173 95 54 2.4 2.1 787 1.8 0.9 0.7 1.5 0.7 1.6 0.6 0.9 BB A1A2
OGOLF RF Robot Red ro;red 172 95 43 0.1 1.7 1028 2.2 1.6 1.3 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.1 -1.1 AB A1A2
OFFREDO Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 153 95 30 1.1 1.8 464 1.1 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.9 1.6 0.4 0.2 AB A2A2
OKAIDI RED Ferti+ Robot Red Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;red;rptb 165 95 37 2.8 4.4 156 2.4 0.5 -0.3 2.0 0.6 0.7 1.3 0.7 AB A1A2
OVERTOU Robot ro 156 95 27 0.8 1.7 466 1.7 1.7 1.4 0.5 1.0 1.2 1.0 -0.4 AB A1A2
OPROD Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 163 95 74 2.6 2.5 1186 0.2 0.3 1.3 -0.2 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.2 BB A2A2
ORIA Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 179 95 39 0.0 -1.4 1089 2.6 2.1 0.6 1.2 1.2 2.1 1.0 0.0 AA A2A2
ORSANS Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 169 95 56 -0.3 -1.5 1629 0.6 0.3 1.9 0.5 1.1 1.8 1.1 0.0 AB A2A2
SIMPSON P Polled heterozygous scht AA A2A2
OLSEN Ferti+ f 152 95 23 0.0 -0.2 676 0.7 0.5 -0.1 1.1 1.2 0.3 2.0 0.2 AB A1A2
SKYDANCER 171 75 74 1.6 -1.5 1618 0.5 1.1 -0.9 -0.2 -1.0 1.2 0.6 BB A2A2
OLYSTIC P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;scht;rptb 153 95 21 1.0 1.4 279 1.9 1.9 0.2 0.4 1.0 1.9 0.9 0.4 AB A1A2
OMERICA Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 149 95 56 0.1 -2.6 1611 -0.2 0.1 0.8 -0.1 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.2 AB A2A2
OLIZAC Robot ro 148 95 27 0.2 -1.5 766 0.7 0.5 0.2 0.5 1.1 0.4 1.8 0.5 BB A1A2
OPAVA 147 95 30 -1.1 -2.4 1229 0.5 1.4 0.8 -0.2 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.1 AA A2A2
OLIC Robot ro 176 95 37 1.4 0.7 629 2.6 1.7 0.9 1.5 1.4 2.3 1.1 0.4 AB A2A2
OZEGAN Robot ro 154 95 24 -1.5 -0.2 1013 1.9 1.6 0.8 1.0 0.9 0.6 1.5 0.3 AA A2A2
RAFINHA Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 0.6 AB A2A2
ONNY Robot ro 161 95 50 2.0 4.6 604 1.4 0.7 3.0 1.1 0.8 1.0 0.3 0.4 AB A2A2
OUGEUL Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 159 95 30 1.7 -3.1 603 2.2 1.6 0.8 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.0 AB A2A2
ORIGNY Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 172 95 30 1.2 -1.0 577 1.5 1.1 0.3 0.8 1.5 2.2 1.8 1.1 BB A2A2
LIGHTWAY 164 91 42 1.9 3.0 497 0.0 -0.6 -1.3 0.3 0.6 -0.7 2.2 -0.8 BB A1A2
ORBAN 172 95 37 1.4 0.1 681 0.9 0.0 0.0 1.5 1.2 1.2 2.6 -0.4 AB A2A2
OURRA P Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;scht;rptb 153 95 49 1.1 -2.1 1161 0.7 0.9 -0.3 0.3 0.6 1.7 0.3 0.9 AB A1A2
HAGGAI PP Polled homozygous schm 1.1 BB A2A2
HARVARD Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 0.5 BE A1A2
OUCHKA Ferti+ Paratuberculosis Resistance f;rptb 155 95 17 2.4 -0.4 -71 2.1 2.5 1.6 0.3 1.3 0.7 2.2 -0.2 BB A2A2
PABLO Robot ro 175 95 31 2.8 -0.5 236 2.4 2.2 1.6 0.5 1.4 1.2 2.6 0.3 AB A1A2
MIO RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red AB A2A2
PEPITO Ferti+ Robot f;ro 179 95 55 2.1 4.6 721 1.0 0.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.8 -0.5 AA A1A2
PIZARRO Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 170 95 44 1.7 1.0 752 2.7 1.7 -0.5 1.8 0.8 1.1 0.7 0.1 AA A2A2
HOBBIT PP Polled homozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance schm;rptb 1.3 BB A2A2
POTTER RF Robot Red Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;red;rptb 166 95 24 -0.1 1.5 580 1.3 0.5 0.2 0.9 1.3 2.1 2.1 0.3 AB A2A2
PIKA RED Red Paratuberculosis Resistance red;rptb 165 95 22 0.4 -0.1 495 0.7 0.9 -0.3 0.0 1.3 1.7 3.1 -0.7 AB A1A1
MAY RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red AA A1A2
SAM RED P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 0.6 AB A1A2
PAVARD Robot ro 164 95 48 3.9 2.4 260 1.6 1.1 0.1 1.4 0.8 1.1 0.6 0.2 AB A2A2
PLATON Ferti+ Paratuberculosis Resistance f;rptb 173 95 54 2.3 2.8 756 1.7 0.8 0.7 1.3 0.9 1.9 0.3 0.1 AA A2A2
PACINO Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 165 95 19 2.9 0.4 -122 2.4 1.1 0.1 1.5 1.5 1.7 2.0 0.2 AB A1A2
PIPRIAC Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 148 95 33 -1.5 -2.4 1295 1.4 1.6 0.2 -0.2 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.3 AB A1A2
MARCO RED Red red 0.7 AB A2A2
SPEEDY RED Red red 0.8 BE A1A1
POULIDOR Ferti+ f 180 95 46 1.7 1.6 736 1.9 2.5 1.2 0.0 0.9 1.4 1.7 0.6 AB A2A2
HOTBULL PP Polled homozygous schm BB A2A2
PERFECT 175 95 38 4.1 2.4 -46 1.0 1.8 0.1 -0.2 1.4 1.8 2.1 0.4 BB A2A2
POBORSKY Robot ro 172 95 41 2.7 -1.7 566 1.6 1.2 0.4 0.7 1.1 0.9 2.1 0.1 AB A1A2
PALMA P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous f;ro;scht 171 94 28 1.4 -1.9 646 2.0 1.1 0.1 1.1 1.6 3.4 1.4 -0.5 AA A2A2
MATANO P Polled heterozygous scht BB A2A2
PLESLIN P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;scht;rptb 147 95 21 1.6 0.8 199 1.7 1.4 1.1 0.2 1.0 0.3 0.9 1.0 AB A2A2
PRAGMATIC 156 95 5 -0.2 -1.2 279 2.7 2.9 1.1 0.4 1.1 3.0 0.7 0.4 AA A2A2
PEUPLIER Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 181 95 37 0.6 -0.9 951 2.1 1.9 0.6 0.5 1.3 1.9 1.7 -0.1 AB A2A2
RAMA 0.4 BB A2A2
PERRY PK 180 94 39 1.1 3.4 642 2.8 3.0 1.4 0.6 1.1 2.0 1.3 0.5 AA A1A2
GRANDO RED Red red 165 90 60 1.7 -0.9 1241 0.6 0.5 -1.1 0.7 0.9 0.7 1.2 AB A2A2
HURACAN Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 0.6 BE A1A2
GOLIAT RDC Red red 0.6 AB A1A2
PIXIE 158 70 69 0.8 3.1 1428 -0.9 -0.6 -1.0 -0.3 0.2 -0.8 1.1 0.4 AB A1A2
PERIGNE Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 169 95 36 1.4 0.2 651 2.1 1.4 1.5 0.6 0.9 1.6 1.2 -0.2 AA A1A1
PERIOT 158 94 16 0.1 -0.7 466 2.5 1.8 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.8 1.1 0.5 AA A1A1
ADINO PP Polled homozygous schm 0.8 BB A2A2
PAVAROTTI Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 172 91 65 4.1 3.5 618 1.2 0.4 0.9 1.3 0.6 1.1 0.1 0.5 BB A1A2
GLORY RDC Red Paratuberculosis Resistance red;rptb 172 91 40 0.4 -0.1 978 0.0 -0.1 -0.7 0.6 1.4 1.9 2.1 0.0 BB A1A2
PIANO Ferti+ Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;rptb 181 95 20 0.4 2.2 305 1.4 1.6 0.0 0.2 1.7 2.0 3.6 0.8 AA A1A2
POLFOUX P Ferti+ Polled heterozygous f;scht 172 95 31 1.9 0.6 342 1.3 1.6 0.9 -0.1 1.1 1.8 2.1 0.9 BB A1A2
PREFOUX Ferti+ Robot f;ro 175 95 38 2.4 0.0 471 2.7 3.0 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.7 1.9 0.7 BB A1A2
SAFARI RED Red red 1.4 BE A1A1
PERIGORD P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous f;ro;scht 173 92 35 1.6 1.6 494 1.1 0.9 0.3 0.4 1.5 1.6 1.9 0.6 AB A1A2
DATELAND 184 90 73 0.1 -0.1 1896 0.9 0.9 -0.7 0.9 0.7 1.1 0.7 1.0 BB A1A2
POLIBAY Ferti+ Robot f;ro 179 95 41 0.7 2.5 828 2.9 2.4 0.8 1.2 1.0 1.7 1.2 0.6 AB A1A1
SAVE RED Red red 1.0 AB A1A2
PERFORMANT Robot ro 159 95 35 0.6 1.0 756 2.5 2.2 -0.7 0.7 0.5 1.5 0.0 0.0 AA A1A2
PAOMAYLON 164 95 62 2.2 0.9 1097 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.5 1.2 0.2 0.2 AA A2A2
HADI Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 0.8 AA A2A2
PAYET P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance f;ro;scht;rptb 167 95 19 1.8 0.8 40 2.3 2.4 0.5 0.6 1.2 1.3 2.2 0.5 AA A1A1
PAVEL RED Red Paratuberculosis Resistance red;rptb 157 78 37 1.1 4.8 538 0.7 0.6 -0.8 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.3 AA A1A2
PASSION P Ferti+ Polled heterozygous f;scht 175 95 28 0.5 -0.3 664 2.1 1.8 0.9 0.7 1.6 1.5 2.4 -0.1 BB A1A2
PARELOUP Ferti+ Robot f;ro 162 93 42 0.1 4.5 825 0.9 0.4 0.0 0.7 1.1 1.6 0.9 0.0 AA A2A2
PEPPY Fertimax Robot fm;ro 171 79 74 1.3 5.7 1374 0.8 0.3 -0.2 0.7 0.0 -0.4 0.7 0.8 AA A1A2
PERITIO P Ferti+ Robot Polled heterozygous f;ro;scht 167 95 32 1.8 2.0 395 1.6 1.5 1.1 0.4 0.9 1.9 1.0 0.0 AB A2A2
MONRO PP Polled homozygous schm 0.1 AB A2A2
PROTERRIL Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 177 92 25 1.3 2.7 229 1.7 0.6 1.1 1.2 1.4 2.2 2.8 -1.0 BB A1A2
PREOBUIS Ferti+ f 183 86 34 1.1 1.6 562 1.8 1.8 0.2 0.6 1.4 1.4 2.3 0.1 BB A1A1
PRODIGY 176 95 30 0.4 1.1 667 1.3 0.4 0.9 1.2 1.6 2.7 2.2 0.5 AB A2A2
GIGALINER 203 92 80 0.0 0.4 2094 1.7 0.5 -0.4 1.5 1.0 2.0 1.4 0.2 AA A2A2
GALENO P Polled heterozygous scht 178 90 47 0.9 6.3 735 1.4 1.3 -0.2 0.5 1.0 1.8 1.3 0.9 AB A2A2
PERLAY RED Ferti+ Robot Red f;ro;red 176 92 41 2.8 1.9 363 2.3 2.0 -1.0 1.0 1.3 2.0 1.1 0.8 AB A1A2
POKEMON 192 76 69 1.7 7.2 1038 0.6 0.7 0.2 -0.3 1.1 1.4 2.0 0.4 AB A1A1
PELFORTH Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 170 94 53 2.6 -0.2 831 2.4 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.9 0.2 0.2 AA A2A2
PLACID Ferti+ Robot f;ro 171 95 58 -0.1 -0.4 1531 2.0 1.4 2.2 0.7 0.4 0.9 0.1 -0.2 AA A1A2
PERIVIS Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 163 92 35 2.4 1.7 358 2.3 1.9 0.8 1.1 0.5 0.4 1.1 0.5 AA A2A2
POMPADOUR 198 88 71 3.8 4.1 774 1.2 1.4 -0.5 -0.1 1.1 1.4 2.2 0.8 AB A1A2
PICKLAND Ferti+ Robot f;ro 170 90 39 4.9 10.7 -572 1.2 0.5 0.0 0.6 0.7 1.2 1.5 0.8 AA A2A2
SIO PP Polled homozygous Red Paratuberculosis Resistance schm;red;rptb 0.3 BB A1A1
PELLEGRINO 198 95 67 -0.4 3.4 1680 1.9 2.2 0.8 0.3 1.4 1.8 1.5 0.2 AB A1A1
PREVIEW PP Ferti+ Polled heterozygous Paratuberculosis Resistance f;scht;rptb 163 87 31 1.4 2.7 375 2.0 0.4 0.8 1.6 1.1 1.2 1.1 0.3 AB A2A2
SIX RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red 0.7 BB A1A2
SOUL RED P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 1.4 AB A2A2
PUYOL RED Ferti+ Robot Red f;ro;red 182 84 47 3.1 6.5 177 0.6 -0.2 -0.7 1.2 1.2 0.4 2.7 0.6 AA A1A2
PAOLO 180 78 77 2.5 7.6 1117 0.4 1.6 1.1 -1.0 0.9 0.8 0.9 -0.6 AA A2A2
SYMBOL RED Red red 1.6 BE A1A1
LOSTAU P RED Polled heterozygous Red scht;red AA A1A2
HURION ISY 144 95 56 3.5 4.3 475 0.5 -1.1 1.7 1.2 0.2 1.0 -1.1 0.3 BB A2A2
SOKO RED Red red 119 94 16 -0.4 -4.1 836 1.2 0.4 -0.4 1.4 -1.2 -0.1 0.4 BB A2A2
SOSMAR P RDC Polled heterozygous Red scht;red BB A2A2
MATTIS 122 92 38 1.6 1.8 565 -0.8 -0.3 -1.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.0 0.3 AB A2A2
SODAN RED Red red 113 95 10 0.4 4.3 10 0.9 0.4 -1.2 1.1 -0.8 -0.1 0.0 BB A2A2
LENDARY 140 95 32 1.5 2.3 421 1.6 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.1 0.5 BB A1A2
STEP RED Red red 146 93 42 -2.5 -6.7 2054 -0.2 0.3 -1.4 -0.4 0.4 1.1 0.1 AB A1A2
PUMA MR 137 93 31 1.5 0.2 466 -0.2 0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 1.7 0.5 AB A2A2
ELOPED RED Red red 125 92 3 -1.3 -3.3 578 0.8 0.4 -1.5 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.7 BB A1A1
GERO P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 119 93 25 1.7 5.8 -1 -0.3 -0.4 -0.9 0.1 0.4 -0.3 0.3 BB A2A2
BESTBOSS 147 95 48 1.3 1.2 919 0.0 1.2 0.5 -0.8 1.1 0.3 -0.9 AA A2A2
POKER RED Red red 124 92 4 1.1 2.3 -257 0.3 -0.2 -1.5 0.5 -0.2 1.8 0.7 AB A2A2
BALDUR 147 95 43 0.7 -0.1 1011 1.2 1.2 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 BB A2A2
BEATSTICK 138 95 22 0.9 1.5 325 0.8 0.0 -0.4 1.3 1.3 -0.1 0.8 AB A1A2
BENWOOD P Polled heterozygous scht 113 92 6 1.1 1.8 -162 1.1 0.2 -0.1 0.5 -0.2 -0.3 0.9 BB A2A2
JOYSTAR Ferti+ f 154 95 27 -0.1 0.3 727 1.1 0.6 -0.8 0.5 0.6 1.2 1.7 1.7 AB A2A2
CARO RED P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red AA A1A2
ELIO RED P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red 104 92 -30 -1.2 0.8 -596 1.5 2.2 -0.2 0.1 0.2 1.2 -0.9 AE A1A2
MARCREST 126 91 1 -0.5 2.0 49 0.8 1.0 -1.2 0.0 -0.9 1.5 -0.3 AA A2A2
COMMANDEUR 143 95 34 -0.5 -1.8 1100 1.6 1.5 1.9 0.2 0.7 -0.1 -1.2 AE A1A2
LEADER 136 95 18 -1.2 0.8 737 2.3 1.7 1.3 1.2 0.3 0.6 -0.6 0.1 AB A2A2
SANTORO 156 92 31 1.1 0.8 544 1.2 1.2 0.4 0.3 1.1 1.5 -0.7 AE A1A2
LOUXOR Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 152 95 33 2.6 3.3 114 1.7 1.1 1.6 0.7 0.5 1.4 0.6 0.5 AA A2A2
ARINO RED Red red 132 95 19 1.1 3.1 156 1.4 1.4 -0.1 0.3 -0.1 0.3 0.4 AB A1A1
KINGDOM 130 94 14 -0.3 0.4 414 1.0 1.2 2.1 -0.2 0.4 0.3 -0.3 EE A1A1
KINGSLEY 141 95 22 3.2 8.4 -529 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.6 1.3 0.1 0.2 AB A2A2
MISTER X 146 93 36 -1.3 -4.4 1491 0.7 1.1 -1.0 0.1 1.4 0.0 0.2 AB A2A2
POLO P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red AA A2A2
POWERMAN P Polled heterozygous scht 140 92 7 1.3 -0.1 -83 0.4 1.2 -0.2 -0.3 1.6 2.2 0.2 AB A2A2
MINOSCH 148 94 16 -0.5 -3.9 743 1.3 1.2 -0.6 0.3 0.8 2.0 0.4 BB A2A2
DARLINGO 139 95 -10 -0.8 -3.7 128 4.0 3.1 1.1 1.9 1.8 0.2 AA A2A2
LIWAY SIL Robot ro 151 95 0 -1.4 0.0 347 3.1 2.0 -0.4 2.3 0.5 1.9 1.0 0.6 BB A1A1
POWERBOY P Polled heterozygous scht BB A1A2
BELETTO 160 89 31 1.3 0.7 539 1.1 1.5 -0.2 0.1 2.3 1.0 0.2 AE A1A2
APO RED PP Polled homozygous Red schm;red 126 93 42 1.9 0.5 632 -1.0 -0.9 -0.4 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 0.1 BB A1A2
DARTHVADER 138 92 41 -0.7 -6.2 1561 0.1 1.2 -1.2 -0.7 0.9 0.0 -0.3 BE A1A1
JAZZ 148 95 33 1.0 1.9 542 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.1 0.8 -0.4 1.3 0.6 EE A1A1
DOWNTOWN 147 95 57 -0.5 -0.4 1652 0.8 1.4 1.8 -0.9 0.0 1.0 -0.7 -0.7 AB A2A2
SHA STAR R Polled heterozygous Red scht;red AA A2A2
BARKEEPER 168 95 44 3.6 7.6 -44 1.6 0.9 -0.1 1.0 1.6 1.0 -0.6 AB A2A2
BALE RED P Polled heterozygous Red scht;red AA A2A2
BEN RED Red red 140 93 11 0.5 -1.4 250 1.7 1.3 -1.0 0.9 0.7 0.8 -0.4 AB A1A1
BESTDAY 162 93 60 3.1 3.3 751 0.7 1.4 -1.2 -0.5 0.9 0.5 0.3 AA A2A2
MILKY Robot ro 166 95 37 1.5 -1.1 707 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.3 2.0 0.7 AB A2A2
MASSIVE Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 140 95 32 1.6 1.4 442 1.7 1.5 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.5 -0.1 0.0 AB A2A2
MILD RED Red Paratuberculosis Resistance red;rptb 135 95 19 -0.8 -2.1 803 0.1 0.5 -0.7 -0.2 0.8 0.7 1.1 0.8 AB A2A2
MULTICAST Robot ro 153 95 3 -0.9 1.8 206 1.8 1.7 1.2 0.7 1.0 2.0 1.7 -0.5 AB A1A1
BOUNCER P Polled heterozygous scht AB A2A2
JEDISTAR 156 92 39 0.6 -2.5 977 -0.6 1.2 -0.9 -1.3 1.2 2.2 0.5 BB A1A1
MERCUTIO Paratuberculosis Resistance rptb 158 95 62 3.6 2.6 694 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.6 1.1 -0.2 0.9 AB A2A2
HOTSTAR 156 93 31 -1.4 -3.1 1273 0.7 0.0 -0.4 0.7 1.0 2.2 -0.4 BB A1A2
MILLOW PP Polled homozygous schm AB A1A2
BALLMAN 168 92 32 2.8 6.4 -171 -0.5 0.4 -1.2 -1.0 0.4 3.3 0.1 BB A1A2
MONROE Ferti+ Paratuberculosis Resistance f;rptb 163 95 5 -0.1 1.3 99 0.9 0.9 -1.0 -0.4 1.5 1.0 3.9 0.3 BB A1A2
SUPERTRAMP 168 95 57 2.2 3.7 795 -0.3 0.8 0.7 -1.0 1.4 1.7 0.2 BB A2A2
KENDRICK 153 93 32 -0.2 -2.0 1012 2.5 2.5 0.3 0.6 -1.3 0.4 -0.2 AE A1A2
LOH DICE R Red red 77 93 -40 -1.4 -4.7 -448 1.8 1.6 0.6 0.7 -2.1 0.4 -0.3 AA A1A2
KEITH 150 95 45 1.0 -0.8 1040 1.3 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.0 -0.5 AA A1A2
NOYAL RED Robot Red Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;red;rptb 132 95 15 1.3 -1.1 191 0.6 0.8 0.3 0.0 0.6 -0.1 1.4 0.6 AB A1A2
NESCAFE Robot Paratuberculosis Resistance ro;rptb 141 95 50 0.4 -2.0 1370 0.7 0.6 1.4 0.1 0.2 0.5 -0.4 1.0 AA A2A2
NEROLI Robot ro 156 95 17 0.5 2.9 231 1.6 1.5 0.5 0.8 1.0 2.3 1.5 -0.1 BB A2A2
SNOW RF Red red 108 95 25 -0.3 -1.3 826 0.8 0.8 -0.1 0.5 -0.5 -1.0 -1.3 1.2 AB A1A2
BEART 128 95 -22 -0.8 -3.0 -192 1.9 0.2 -0.8 2.2 0.9 0.5 2.2 1.3 AB A1A2

The sexed doses produced by Sexing Technologies with technology owned by XY LLC and Inguran LLC must be used only for artificial insemination. YX® is a trademark of XY, LLC. SexedULTRA, SexedULTRA 4M, Sexing Technologies and STgenetics logos/brands, are trademarks of Inguran LLC.