Marketing team moves to Brazil

From the 25th to the 29th of November 2019, Léa Poncet, EVOLUTION Holstein Product Manager for EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL travelled to Chapeco in Brazil to meet our partner EVOLUTION DO BRASIL.

The purpose of the mission was to carry out two days of training with the sales team and the local distributors of EVOLUTION DO BRASIL.
12 people were present to learn more about the EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL genetic offer and products characteristics. 

This training consisted of two parts:

  • The first day covered the theoretical part during which we presented different breeds developed by EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL: Holstein, Pie Rouge, Normande, and as a new breed in Brazil INRA 95, which was launched there 2 years ago and has a lot of success in Brazilian farms.
    We presented the range of new bulls available for 2020 and also the latest genetic innovations supporting the EVOLUTION brand positioning genetic efficiency.  
    As a reminder, EVOLUTION released 4 new proofs last December in Holstein, Pie Rouge and Normande breeds which are: Gestation Length (GL), Feed Efficiency (FE), Homogeneity of Descendants (HD+) and the last one that was created in 2018, Hoof Health (RLI - RLNI).
  • For the second day we visited 2 local Holstein farms where we carried out a practical workshop of animal classification and discussions around the cows on renewal strategies, mating plans, etc.