Paris International Agriculture Show: IWAY stands out!

This time it is on the big ring of Paris International Agriculture Show that the cow Iway distinguished herself during the Holstein show. Already awarded several times at major French Holstein events, Iway, belonging to GAEC Les Vignes Rousses, won her section and the titles of Best Adult Udder and Reserve Adult Champion.
In addition to her beauty, she achieved a second lactation of 15,087 kg of milk in 314 days. She calved for the third time on January 1st, and she currently produces nearly 70 kg of milk!
She is also the dam of two very popular bulls of the EVOLUTION’s range, nationaly and internationaly, LIWAY SILH2E and LOCTWAYH2E. Their type profile will generate many daughters who will be distinguished in turn on the rings.
Congratulations to GAEC Les Vignes Rousses.