From 23rd to 25th of May took place our INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR near Rennes. The place to learn the latest trends of our breeding programs, have information on the products of our range and catch up on the latest happenings. Each attendee was also able to connect with our experts as well as the distributors of the other countries on topics that matter to them. Engaging, impressive and sometimes also funny our 2018 speakers did a great work to update our distributors on the latest innovation and worldwide market trends.

Participants from 21 countries enjoyed the presentations from our experts :

  • EVOLUTION International now-a-days
  • Challenges in the Holstein world
  • Goat genetics and genomics
  • Beef breeding programs – the Charolais case
  • Benefits of working with EVOLUTION International today and tomorrow
  • Brown Swiss breeding program and French brown Swiss excellent positioning
  • Industrial crossbreeding – the power of INRA 95

Those topics led to discussions and witnesses on  genetic issues and challenges and highlighted how Evolution International position itself in the global genetic offer.

Our attendees also testified why do they work with us.

  • The longtime relationship with our company and the dedication and involvement of Evolution International team
  • Wherever they are in the world, whatever the farm environment and the breeders goals, our complete offer in dairy, beef and goats as well as our products efficiency fit each markets and farmer’s needs.
  • We are the only genetic company in the world able to provide such a wide range of products.
  • The reliability of our genetics
  • The fertility of our semen

The seminar ended with the inauguration of EVOLUTION's new headquarters, commensurate with our national and international ambitions.