EVOLUTION’S new Headquarters

On the 25th of May, 800 guests attended the grand opening ceremony of EVOLUTION’s and EVOLUTION International new headquarters located at Noyal-Sur-Vilaine, in Brittany (France).

The ceremony had for goal to present the new building regrouping all the support services at the same place in order to fulfill the needs and expectations of our breeders, customers and partners in a more efficient way. By concentrating our 14 old sites in only just one, EVOLUTION has for ambition to improve the communication and work between the departments in order to enhance the performance we offer to our members/adherents.

A building matching the ambitions of EVOLUTION with a surface area of 7000 square meters on a 30 000 square meters ground, welcoming 180 employees for now… and all this was built in 10 months!

Introduction speech by VINCENT RETIF, President of EVOLUTION

The guests were invited to visit the new offices



Discover the headquarters in video: